Noob needing help planning simple SoG grow.


New Member
Hi, this will be my first grow and I've done a great deal of reading over the years but my ADHD gives me a lot of trouble when it comes to putting the information together. I'm thinking 2 mothers in 2 gallon containers in a 1x1x2m tent (let me know if less or more is better) I will be growing northern lights. I plan to grow them from seed in rockwool (Hempy style) and take 16 cuttings once there are 16 worthy branches (6-8"). I will then put them in rockwool and a humidity dome and put them in their own enclosed area under 18/6 130W 6500k CFL lighting for 10 days to establish roots and then veg for 1 week either in the same area or in the mother room? The mother room (1x1x2m) will have a 400w MH light (again let me know if more or less is required). Once 1 week veg is over I will place them into the flowering room which is 1.2x1.2x2m with a 600w HPS, they will be in 30cm square pots (hempy or soil, open to suggestions) so 16 plants take take up the full space. What could I expect from such a setup? Would it work at all and what are some simple tweaks or changes I could make to improve it? Or what are the vital flaws and why? I also need some help with the details like what size fans and carbon scrubbers I would need and if there are any other bits and pieces I haven't mentioned that I need to be thinking about? Sorry for the noobness, I'm also thinking I might buy and make use of this setup, any thoughts on how I could use this ( ) or if I should buy it at all would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


New Member
"What could I expect from such a setup?" It will be like trying to squeeze a whale onto a catamaran.
We talking like an Orca or more like a Blue Whale? I'm guessing you're referred to the flowering tent as the catamaran? or will the mother tent be the same situation? :/ how much bigger a vehicle would I need?


Well-Known Member
First off how long are you planning on leaving mother plants in 2-gallon containers? And two mothers in a single small tent? Why two mothers? Different strains? I've had ADHD all my life. Focus, son, focus.


New Member
It's a lifelong illness so I'd hope so :p I only got diagnosed 2 weeks ago :/ a lot of things become pretty clear haha 2 mothers because I wasn't sure how many it would take to produce that amount of clones or how much space they needed so 2 was my best guess from what I've read and I haven't been corrected yet so yeah.. How many would you recommend and are there any other tweaks you'd recommend?


New Member
Man, I wish I'd read that Mark Twain quote earlier today.. teach me not to check this shit in the morning! I've spent half the day arguing with fools and some onlookers were unable to tell the difference :(