noob questions


Active Member
ive been following this forum for days now and finally germinated and planted my 2 lone seed on wed. nite and now friday morning one of them has already sprouted from the surface one hasnt now the question is and this may seem dumb but i have no idea but when the plant begins to grow will the seed still be on like the tip of the root b/c thats what mine looks like the stem is starting to form but the seed is still on top of it did i do something wrong or is this normal??

also to add to it im goin 24hrs of light couninus and there moving quick but this could b wrong as well..

also how often should i water im doin once in the a.m. and once in the p.m. is that sufficent


Well-Known Member
when u place the seed the root should be facing downwards about 1 1/2 inches below..cover with some soil. Also yes the seed will fall off, it will just be the shell of the seed falling off. And as a seedling since its barely developing it's root system u shudnt let it dry out just mist it when its getting to dry. The way ur watering shud be fine as long as u see thats its not exactly dry the next time ur watering it.


Active Member
hey since i first posted this morning the first seed i planted the seed is just about to fall off so is this pretty quick i planted them wed. nite

also is 24hrs. of countiunus lite to much or is this ok in this stage

please help