Noob seeking answers


First time grower planning on setting up tent with two scrogs, fed by two bubble boy 4 plant hydro pots (three plants each) under 600 watt lights. I had some questions and would welcome any input you may offer. Thanks

a) How many inches above grow medium should I set my screen?
B) Should I tie my plants down to increase horizontal growing before plants reach screen?
C) As a Noob should I "crimp" plants after brining them under the screen or leave the poor thing alone?:peace:
Greg Green, in his book The Cannabis Grow Bible, says "The screen is at a set height above the plant medium. This height varies from 8” to 24” depending on the light type you are using." Also, if you go to Google images and enter SCROG, you'll get a boatload of various SOG and SCROG set ups. Hope that helps. Peace brother.​

Pat Man

Active Member
ya man i definitely got a lot of info from looking at scrog and sog pics on google. you can start tying branches down before the plant reachs the screen then start working them through the openings as they grow more


Well-Known Member
I like to put mine about 10" ish inches above the ladies. As they start to grow up, just kind of spread them out in prep for them hitting the screen. once they hit it, just keep them spreading out. Not sure what you mean by crimp, but id say no. Just let each branch grow through a few inches of the screen, then pull them back down that same hole, and send it out into an open area. Do this till the whole thing is full-ish (depending on strain and grow method), then flip to 12/12.
-Live Love
Thank you all for answers. As I move forward I hope to keep this thread going by asking all sorts of questions and looking for your answers. Please check in and post often. I check in once a day (getting WiFi one cup at a time from my friends at Starbucks)

Question of the day inspired by a thread I was looking at. I am planning to use a four plant Bubble Boy hydro bucket. Seems like a simple system to get going. Went to a class and asked the instructor what medium a first time grower had the best chances with and he said hydro because PH levels will be easier to control. Do you agree or think soil is better?
There are pros and cons both ways. Soil is cheap and easy to get strated with. It's also more forgiving than hydro. Soil can be messy though (transplanting) and finding the optimum moisture, nutrient and pH levels can be challenging for some newbies. Hydro is pricey in comparison. Growth rates are much faster in hydro but it is much more have to be on top of everything, every day in a hydro grow. Some folks just don't have the attention span or the kind of lifestyle that is suited for a high maintenance hydro grow.
Thank you Weedo Bandito. I do have time but two Q's that would be at a premium for me, quality and quickly. The Bubble Boy's seem affordable at 35 dollars. Plan to add O2 pump.