

Active Member
Hiya all, I'm new to growing and the forum. I hope that one of you has an answer for me :-? I'll try to be as specific as posable. I'm growing in the sunlight shed "Mini Caddy", the plants are under 24 hours of light and are just about 3ins high and germinated 11 days ago. The ppm is 155 and the ph is 6.0 the temp lowers and rises from 70 to 78 through out the day, and the humidity is at a constant 40%. Now the problem started a few days ago on my largest plant when weird yellowish brown spots started on the tip of the 2 first true leaves of the plant. The spots moved up the leaf to about half way now leaving crusty brittle leaf behind it. Then today some of the other larger plants have started to get small brown spots on mid leaf and around the tip. This is my first time growing anything and I don't want to make any drastic changes until I know what the problem is. Hope someone can help and thanks ahead of time for any direction.:peace:


Active Member
You do have a low PH. From what I have heard, marijuana likes 6.8-7.0

Could be very possible they are having nutrient lockout.


Well-Known Member
actually I think that the herb prefers to be around 5.5 not over 6. .. personally I keep mine at 5.5 or try to... Are you in soil? How are you watering?