Nor-Cal Anyone else not flowering yet...?


Well-Known Member
I have two of the same strain plants that have been flowering for 4 weeks now, and every other plant has not begun yet, anyone else seeing this non-happenence?


Well-Known Member
im not in cali but we should all be flowering around now. some strains just take longer than other to start flowering, dont worry the others will come around.


Well-Known Member
I got an Indica that's been full flowering for about 5wks. Got some Indica Dom. hybrids that need going four solid wks. Some GSC been only going about 3wks. And a coulple Sat. Dom. hybirds that started this week. Lesson is all strains flower at different times under different conditions. Just Go With The Flow. It always works out in the end. I'm at 38 lat. and my plants only get about 5 hrs of direct sunlight.


Well-Known Member
I am at 46* lat and the girls with evening shade started to flower 1-2wks ago. The 1 lady in full sun just started to shoot pistils. I also persuaded a couple of smaller ones with black garbage bags for a couple of wks and it jump started them. Chances are none will make to full maturity cuz it will start to get pretty chilly by the end of september. Really hoping to leave them till mid october. Good luck

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I'm at 38 and everything has been flowering for about 2 weeks except for one white widow from seed that's still in preflower.


Well-Known Member
shit im 3000 miles away and i got same shit happening

i got one lady thats adding on the weight each day like 3rd 4th week. and some getting
there friggen bud sites first white hairs. crazy how much faster some flower than others.
at least you guys can just let em do there thing we gotta worry about the first frost/snowfall up here
in the northeast


Same here I'm in New England and I've had pre-flowers for almost a month but the buds havent started coming in yet..
I am also in New England and saw the very start of preflowering last week and now it looks like the actual beginning of flowering with my plant. I'm guessing in 2 weeks or so it'll start to look like actual flowers =/.
I am also in New England and saw the very start of preflowering last week and now it looks like the actual beginning of flowering with my plant. I'm guessing in 2 weeks or so it'll start to look like actual flowers =/.
Yup, that's what I get for using a bagseed. Next year I'll have to get some autoflowers and some early bloomers. Hopefully it doesn't get too cold til November. *crossfingers*


lol that's the same exact thing I say in my head everyday. "please stay warm till November (crosses fingers/knocks on wood/rubs rabbit foot/ fucks four leaf clover)"
Yup lol. Hey just throwing this out there, I had one other plant and it turned out to be a male, so I chopped it. What I'm wondering is, why did my male flower so much? IE there were hundreds of sacs all over it (it was about 6ft topped). Anyway, is that normal that a male would show hundreds of sacs, while the female still only is showing some preflowers. BTW the 6ft one was a lot bigger the others are maybe 4ft now


Well-Known Member
I'm in Socal and not quite flowering yet on a sativa dom. hybrid. She's getting there, probably another week, two at most. Fortunately it stays warm later into the year here, I feel for you guys who have to race against cold weather.


Yup lol. Hey just throwing this out there, I had one other plant and it turned out to be a male, so I chopped it. What I'm wondering is, why did my male flower so much? IE there were hundreds of sacs all over it (it was about 6ft topped). Anyway, is that normal that a male would show hundreds of sacs, while the female still only is showing some preflowers. BTW the 6ft one was a lot bigger the others are maybe 4ft now
I am pretty sure that males do flower way quicker than females in order try and get the pollen everywhere so a girl can seed out. Just the way nature tries to make sure there are new generations.


View attachment 2795261IMG_0694[1].jpgIMG_0695[1].jpgHere she is, juuust about to begin flowering I think. Gunna have to keep a sharp eye out on the weather because sometimes up here its 85 one day and then the next its like guess what bitches 4 ft snow tomorrow and your like pssh yeah ok and then you wake up and look out the window and your like holy fuck what the fuck.


BigB 420

Well-Known Member
I've heard WW is tough outside she's a late bloomer hopefully mine aren't the same way =(
I've heard that as well but I have 5 other white widows from seed and they're all farther along than anything else in my garden. They just might finish first.
I've heard that as well but I have 5 other white widows from seed and they're all farther along than anything else in my garden. They just might finish first.
Nice, are you doing anything special? Whats the light like where you are? And what are you feeding for bloom?

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Nice, are you doing anything special? Whats the light like where you are? And what are you feeding for bloom?
Nothing special. I tied them down once and then let them do their thing. I'm still feeding 16-16-16 Maxsea with a little cal/mag and some molasses every other feeding.

Oh and I'm getting about 7-8 hours of direct light. Day length is 13 hours and 9 minutes currently.