Normal cannabis side effect?


Hi all, I wasn't too sure where to post this so I appologize if im in the wrong forum.

I've been smoking cannabis regularly (0.5-3g per day more or less) for about 4 years now. I like to think it's changed my personality for the better, especially since my first successful grow where it really tought me so much about the plant.

Over the last 2 years or so, even though 99% of the time I eat very well, balanced with a good routine of excersize, i've had huge problems with eating when I have not smoked a joint at some point previously in the day. I know this must be due to the quantity I smoke for the size that I am, as when I go for long periods of time (2-3 weeks) not smoking cannabis, this problem seems to get better.

I do not plan on quitting smoking cannabis, and I dont feel the quantity I consume is affecting me neggatively, but was wondering how other people have overcome this? The only reason I ask this is that there are going to be times where I can't be getting high, for example holidays or business trips, and can't be replying on cannabis to give me my appetite.

I am aware this side effect does not happen to everyone, as I have various friends who smoke the same if not more and do not have this problem.

Are there certain ways to overcome this quickly? Or certain strains that do not effect you so much in this way?

Any opinons are welcome. Thank you
Happens to me too its like food is the last possible thong on your mind when you stop smoking. I quit for a couple months and the first month almost I had to basically force myself to eat..and I love food. Basically as long as your still getting a balanced nutritious diet you should be fine. The up side of quitting was the rad dreams I vivid


Well-Known Member
I'm not to sure on how to help you, but I can say for myself I've never had that problem. Seems kinda weird that it would effect you that way. Only time I ever had an issue with loss of appetite is when I was smoking k4 on a reg basis. Maybe your body just isn't hungry for the fact that you probably munch through your high? Idk. If it bothers you that much about eating, I would just suggest taking a small hit out of a pipe or smoke a roach just to give yourself an appetite but not an overwhelming high.


Well-Known Member
it's natural and common to run into the problem when you're a smaller guy/gal who smokes a lot of pot

i'm in my 20's and only between 135-145 lbs, so i have encountered the same problem as you at just about each of my dry spells

i found that getting a good blender and learning how to make some good tasting nutritionally balanced shakes was the only way to combat this

i just didn't have the stomach for solid food sometimes unless i had had a bowl earlier that day

it's like morning sickness that stays with you all day

anyway, something about the food being liquid and coming from a straw made it a lot easier to get down, and generally more enjoyable in my cranky state

i got into this supplement called Vega Health Optimizer which has helped a lot being a lazy stoner who doesn't cook good food often


Well-Known Member
something with fruit, almond milk, a handful of fresh mixed sprouts, a handful of nuts, and a pinch of salt is an example of what i'll blend up in the morning

the nuts are an easy to digest source of good fats and proteins, and blend well to make a nice chewy consistency to the shake