Norther Lights 5 - 1 month into flower! Looking great! (3 months from seed)


Active Member
Well, I have 6 healthy ladies that are 4 weeks away from giving me their flowers.

Grow room has two 110w t5 HTG supply fluorescents and also has a 400w HPS from HTG Supply in the middle. 70,000 lumens total and 620 watts!

The ventilation is a 250cfm Panasonic whisperlite fan attached to the HPS hood. ALso a desktop fan blowing air across the canopy. The temps are running a little high at 80f. I run my AC on full blast and run the light cycle at night but unfortunately I can only exhaust the heat from the grow light into my room so it's kin d of pointless. In the future, when applicable, I will exhaust outside or into a different room. I am merely recycling the same hot air. But the AC bringing in new air provides CO2 exchange plus I sleep in the room at night so I convert oxygen all night.

They are usually watered every other day heavily and they love it. I give them 10-30-20 blossom booster by Jacks Classic.

Some are in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and some are in Roots Organic.
A few have been topped once and the others were left alone.

