northern lights 26 veg please help!


Active Member
Hi :)
Could anyone help me with my little babies? :) Its my third time im growing northern lights and its a complete disaster :(
I grow them in a tent 120x120x120 with hps 400 , 2 fans, temperature was 28-31C and humidity was 25-35 % 9 (now temp 27-28C, hum 45-55%)
biobizz All mix soil, first two weeks no nutriens, just small amounts of water, spraying them from time to time was very hot in the tent.
I've noticed yellowing of the down leafs and started giving them nutriens in the 2nd week....small amounts of biobizz bio grow.i used 24h tap water to remove
chlorine, and then i would add 1-2 ml per liter of bio grow.... but with no effects....and one more thing ..... once i forgot to put the lights on and they were
without the light for about 14 h :(( it happend just once. i never balanced the ph until last time when i added few drops of lemon to lower the ph level...
cos usually the water i used was about 8PH. My plants stopped growing....they have about 18cm in 26 day of veg.... yellow bottom leafs and very poor
overall grow.Im so worried. I think that maybe the nutrient uptake was blocked as i used to high ph for about 3 weeks .... and now they suffer from nitrogen
deficiency? what do u think? can anyone hellp? is there anything i can do to force them to move on? i would greatly appreciate any help ...... thank u


Weed Modifier
yes you plant is hungry, keep up with feedings...your humidity for veg could be a tad higher 60% or more... keep eye on temp, you dont want it to get to hot... 25c is ideal.
how are you checking ph? for soil 6.5 is ideal


Active Member
i used to have hanna ph meter but it seems it stopped working so i bought a new one and now im checking for the next watering to check the ph balance
but my tap water is 8PH so i have to add something to make it about 7.-6.5 , do u think that after using ph 8 water i could have changed the balance of the soil?
is it a good idea to add some dolomite lime? i really want to boost up the nitrogen level


Weed Modifier
no need to flush soil ...since you have a nutrient deficiency you just need to keep up with 1/4 strength feedings, adjust ph of water to 6.5 and you'll be good.