northern lights how is it looking


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone I am in my 7th week with my nothern light (3rd week of bloom).
I was hoping to get some feeb back on how much longer till harvest runnig my 1000 watts hps. The plants are in an organic soil mix and running nutes 2x a week with waterings.yippee.jpgView attachment yippee2.jpg
1000 watts you say? that seems to be stretching a LOT, or is it just the strain? also why does your leaf formation only have 3? how much are you feeding them?
Thank you all for replying, I got some mixed feed back. Some say looks good for 3rd week of bloom others think it should be doing better.
I know I screwed up in the begining on the light times and was using cfls then up graded to hps.
It don't look bad like something wrong with it, but like Rusty said it's not thriving thriving. How big of an area are you doing with the 1000 watter and how far is the light from the plants? It's not real stretched just a little maybe again it not real perky and it's not drooping. What's running nutes 2x week? I usually water every three day water once feed once feed once. Any ways here some of my perkiest I ever grew 2nd week flowering 2 400 watters~
Picture 1099.jpg
Picture 1099.jpg
Picture 1091.jpg
I just raised the light to about 2 1/2 to 3 feet above them and the space is about 4x6 with milar on the sides. My soil holds water so next time I will use fox farm ocean from the start to allow soil to dry faster. using general hydroponic nutes.
This is a great site and thank you all for the help.
yea they arnt quite beefing up yet i agree but i would wait untill the 4th week to make that decision i have had some plants beef up allot on the end of there flowering cycle and some that beef up during the start
i keep my 1000 watt 18-24 inches away seems way to high thats probably why they arnt beefing up move the light closer dude
With the light you wanna have 50 watts per sq. ft. the 1000 is good for 20 sq. ft. your room is 24 sq. ft. this is 41.6 watts per sq. ft it shouldn't be a issues but for the plants farer from light. How old is the bulb they only last so long some growers replace them every 2 or 3 grows at the most. If you use the ffof don't try to start you seeds off in it cause it will burn them.