Northern Ont Arjan Haze 3...Finishing Inside


Active Member
Here are some pics of my Haze that had to be brought under the lights to finish. They've been inside for about 4-5 weeks now, and are about 8-weeks going on 9 for flowering. Two 400 HPS are hooked up, plus a little heater at night, and sometimes a dehumidifier (its about 70% humidity in the shed, and 10 celcius at best.)

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Active Member
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm guarding the whole operation with Blackwater security men strapped with AKs, and they bloodthristy. Also, I have a WWII Sherman tank (not visible in pictures) locked and loaded; a fire-breathing, winged pet dragon on constant aerial patrol; a tiger trap; a hedge maze; and a small A-bomb in case shit gets a little too real. I can also talk like a gansta, but chose not to.


Active Member
Damn, these Haze sativas take forever to finish. This is after week 10 of flowering (they didn't start flowering until September). Since the weather is decent, I hope to keep these going another week or two, but something tells me
they could go longer.


Looking real nice. I also got a couple of sativas damn it is taking forever. But mines are still outdoors if they don't finish by the end of this month i'm gonna chop them so i can have some good smoke for the holidays. :weed:


Active Member
Thanks. By all rights I should be getting nothing. THese were outside plants in pots and I thought they'd finish there. No chance in Northern Ontario. I'm going two more weeks inside the shed. Hopefully they start filling out a bit more.


Active Member
Well, this Saturday it comes to a halt. A bit premature, but hey, I've done all I can to give these things a chance:

a) started in early April inside (won't do that again; the plants get too big and take forever to flower)
b) had them in good, sunny locations
c) checked on them twice a freakin' week
d) brought them into a shed in the middle of Oct. when the frost hit
e) rigged up two 400 HPS lights and two electric heaters

Whew. Next year: short-flowering sativas and/or indicas. Here's some final shots before Saturday's chop:



Active Member
Hey man, was curious how your grow was doing. Kind of ironic ill be pulling mine this saturday aswell and like yours a bit premature on the lower half of the plant. All things considered im pretty pleased I guess with the turn-out. I must say though ended up being a LOT more work then I had planned. Ill toss up a pic .. my camera is ass though so I didnt even attempt any bud shots.

Plants been pretty much trimmed but anyways here goes

Grats btw too on making it to harvest I can certainly understand the patience needed lol.


Active Member
Hey Caloran. I like how yours look: nice and short and buddy. Mine got way too tall (I need a full sized step ladder to inspect them!), and were a ton of work and worry. But I'm definitely doing it all again, but this time I'm doing 5 indica and 5 sativa (strain tba).
Here's the rest of the pics:



Active Member
Well after 11 hours trimming away im finally done! Pretty damn pleased I must say. Looking like ill pull a pound dry from these last 4 plants. Hows your weekend going steam? lol


Active Member
Last night I cut down then trimmed 3 plants. Very sticky business, but I got it done. Just letting it dry now. I've got a bag of clippings that I'm going to be making bubble hash with next weekend.

Also, I convinced my wife to let me try and finish one plant inside the house. She agreed, so as of a few days ago I've now got one Arjan 3 under a 400 HPS light in my walk-in-closet that's off the bedroom. Ha! It never ends. Thank god these Haze are mild smelling, or it wouldn't be doable.


Active Member
Off With Its Head!

Well, here I am on December 18!!!!! Today, the top cola got the chop. The bottom branches will now go another week (they're now closer to the light). Yeah this is now an inside plant, but it wasn't intended to be, and
spent most its existence outside. I can't believe this thing started flowering on Sept. 1. It was set back about a week or so after a deer laid on the thing (dang near died). In total, this plant has been flowering for
16 weeks (but really, I probably shouldn't count the two weeks it took to bounce back from the shock of being crushed, so 14 weeks). And to me, it still could go a bit further, but fuck it.