nosy american


Active Member
"Our enduring interests in the region demand our enduring presence in this region," Obama told the Australian Parliament. "The United States is a Pacific power, and we are here to stay."

Is the Emperor pregnant?


Well-Known Member

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yes those two hundred troops are going to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.. in the local bars... restaurants... clubs.... Aussie women... a few Aussie men... a sheep or two...


Well-Known Member
Yes those two hundred troops are going to cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war.. in the local bars... restaurants... clubs.... Aussie women... a few Aussie men... a sheep or two...
2,500 troops (Marines) in Australia. 200 troops in Uganda.


You realize Obama is one of the most respected Presidents around the world in recent history, right? Just checking...


Well-Known Member
Man i would Love to be stationed in Australia
id love to see another country at this point. wonder what ausy looks like. ok so were ARE allowed to protest here in this "free" country right. but yet we are getting assulted by cops why? so we are allowed to use a right and be abused for it? for the record i like cops every cop ive met is a nice girl/guy. very polite.

now what are these students exposing that its necessary to spray them down.

more bases are good right?
and what gives us the right to tell someone what they can and cant do with their stuff?


Well-Known Member
sorry spaced out on the net. "The measures, which the sources said are expected to be announced early Monday, build on existing sanctions on Iran's oil and gas industry" so where in the world could other oil be hummmmm. how many sources of oil do we have?

this is some stuff most isnt even from the middle east western hempisfer

yeah alaska , dont know if we taped that yet, but the pipe line was just blocked

so our nose could be out of it and out of the middle east and our defenses used hear to protect our own oil and the pipe line would bring U.S.A jobs and we would get some of the oil from canada. WE JUST WANT TO TAKE OVER !!!

saw it here some where else yeah somethings up.
also we wont legalize hemp or coke plant and pots taking a step somewhere. anyone know about shut downs. we can take our influence right out of other countries but we aren't divide and concur(<< to agree or is that the right word). its not about defending america. its about the land. maybe the leaders are aliens sucking up resources and then they will be able to move on to other planets. ha ha ha those movies are fun to look into for no purpose. self amusing

have a bless day people

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
And they fund this at the expense of our social programs.
Social programs? :lol: Spoken like one with a brain washed clean by our "modern" government monopolized school systems.

What we are losing is our economic liberty. When we lose our economic liberty, we lose our political liberty as well.


New Member
Social programs? :lol: Spoken like one with a brain washed clean by our "modern" government monopolized school systems.

What we are losing is our economic liberty. When we lose our economic liberty, we lose our political liberty as well.

Yeah We will have so much more Economic liberty when they deregulate everything (sarcasm)