Not a noob but need some advice on cooling


Well-Known Member
I have 3000w going in my 7x14 room. Fans and Co2. I changed the room up for better air and added a new filter. Now temps are at 84f. Lights are sealed and intake is outside and so is exoust. Filtered exoust is out side as well. Intake is from the gerage. My question is I'm going to add a water cooling system to one of the fans. Would it be better to cool the lights or the intake? My a/c is running to much for me. With out the filter I was running 76f but 80f is what I want. I'm thinking cold intake but the lights are the heat so unsure. Where would you put the chiller? It's a sealed room and the flower room is only half so if I cool the intake might be to cold in my propagation room. Same intake. Swamp cooler will be going in soon just need to fix the fan. Where would u put the chiller?


Active Member
Have you tried running a secondary extractor.

ext1 pulls fresh air directy over the lights, no filter just straight through and out. (this wil be clean air and can be used as heating in cooler months)

ext2 no lights, extract through fiter and out.

Also, co2 is a waste of time in these conditions, fans (assuming you have decent fans) will be pulling that co2 out berore the plants can begin to use it.

Hope this helps.
cheaapest bet would be to exhaust your light. Im kinda going throught the same exact thing right now trying to figure out how to lower my temps. Im running a 600W in my room, Im afraid I used way to much insulation to insulate the room so its like a big cooler lol. Let me know what you figure out. We can lower our temps together.


Well-Known Member
Yes my lights are cooled with direct air(no filter) that system dosnt take air or bring air into the room. A filter and fan are there for if it gets to hot and to change out my air once a day and at night. Intake another fan brings air in but it's outside temp.