Not as many trich's as I think I should have

My current grow has just started flowering, but I have this ongoing problem with my plants. They never seem to produce as many trich's as I see in magazine photos, or even in a lot of photos online. The weed is pretty strong, but not gooey. I live in Las Vegas, so it's pretty arid here most of the time and I wonder if that has something to do with it. Anyway, I've read that potency is predetermined by the weed, but I'm sure grow conditions have something to do with it also. Has anyone been able to grow stickier weed after changing something about how they grow weed or do I need to just find a stickier variety or perhaps find a stickier plant and keep cloning it. I usually grow Critical +.


Well-Known Member
I live in %20 humidity, dank as the ones in the mags. Have great variables. Light, grow medium, proper ph and ppm.


Well-Known Member
Add in 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, or any pot safe sweetener. I personally use raw sugar cane ´honey´ which is readily available here.

theres also a stuff at hydro stores called ´sweet´ that helps. You basically need more microbes doing their thing, adding in carbs and sugars to the soil will boost that. its a slow process, dont get flustered.

Another option is the rotten fruit / banana tea on my organics page, both add a good amount of carbs.


Well-Known Member
Add in 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, or any pot safe sweetener. I personally use raw sugar cane ´honey´ which is readily available here.

theres also a stuff at hydro stores called ´sweet´ that helps. You basically need more microbes doing their thing, adding in carbs and sugars to the soil will boost that. its a slow process, dont get flustered.

Another option is the rotten fruit / banana tea on my organics page, both add a good amount of carbs.
Or just keep it simple and get a rowdy light ;)
Add in 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, or any pot safe sweetener. I personally use raw sugar cane ´honey´ which is readily available here.

theres also a stuff at hydro stores called ´sweet´ that helps. You basically need more microbes doing their thing, adding in carbs and sugars to the soil will boost that. its a slow process, dont get flustered.

Another option is the rotten fruit / banana tea on my organics page, both add a good amount of carbs.
I've never heard of adding carbs before. I will give it a try. Thanks.


Active Member
What strain do you grow? That has alot to do with tric production also? If you are looking for tric action go with Alien Gear can't go wrong. I Have a picture if you like I can post for you too see.Oh yeah Im humidity is mostly in the late teens to mid 20's and I have decent frost.


Well-Known Member
My current grow has just started flowering, but I have this ongoing problem with my plants. They never seem to produce as many trich's as I see in magazine photos, or even in a lot of photos online. The weed is pretty strong, but not gooey. I live in Las Vegas, so it's pretty arid here most of the time and I wonder if that has something to do with it. Anyway, I've read that potency is predetermined by the weed, but I'm sure grow conditions have something to do with it also. Has anyone been able to grow stickier weed after changing something about how they grow weed or do I need to just find a stickier variety or perhaps find a stickier plant and keep cloning it. I usually grow Critical +.
try sour diesel it works well for everyone


Active Member
What strain do you grow? That has alot to do with tric production also? If you are looking for tric action go with Alien Gear can't go wrong. I Have a picture if you like I can post for you too see.Oh yeah Im humidity is mostly in the late teens to mid 20's and I have decent frost.
noob78 is quite correct. I had bag seed that I started with and finished that did not produce a lot of trichs on here... was not overly frosty... but I have blueberrygum and c'99 going and wow the blueberrygum is getting frosty at day 35. The C'99s are catching up though.... I still have the cha-ching to finish up with. Beastie blooms right now, did use open sesame as well.. all foxfarm products (no I am not employed nor receive any compensation from FoxFarm :). Also switched from 150 watt on one plant to 600 watt for 4 plants and plant for plant they are getting more PAR than the 150 could have put out. So, I am liking what I am seeing, big frosty colas! (I hope that they are as dense as they are fattening up... still have 3 weeks on C and 4 to 5 weeks on blueberrygum). a lot of factors help to get the frosty'ness going! good luck!


Well-Known Member
Assuming you're not doing anything crazy, it's either lights or strain or a combination of the two. Now that I've got two strains under my belt, I can say that in identical conditions one was much frostier than the other.


Well-Known Member
Add in 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses, or any pot safe sweetener. I personally use raw sugar cane ´honey´ which is readily available here.

theres also a stuff at hydro stores called ´sweet´ that helps. You basically need more microbes doing their thing, adding in carbs and sugars to the soil will boost that. its a slow process, dont get flustered.

Another option is the rotten fruit / banana tea on my organics page, both add a good amount of carbs.
don't listen to this. these things do not produce trichomes. trichome amount and potency are both nature and nurture. if the soil and nutrients you are using are proven then it has to be the genetics.

i won't say molasses and "sweet" whatever don't give the smoke and bud aroma because they do.


Active Member
whats funny is your buds are bigger than somebody elses buds under a 600w lol and they are about to harvest in like a week ;)
Damn I have another month to go. What ever they doing under the 600 is crazy. Can't wait to get a 600 in a couple of weeks.