Not Enough Nitrogen?


Im trying to diagnose my plant problems the bottom leaves are turning yellow and producing brown spots then curling up and eventually falling off. This is then progressivly moving up the plant to the bigger fan leaves? Any suggestions i have pictures but cant get them uploaded for some reason.


that sounds about right. what do you suggest i feed them. they are all about 5ft already in 5gallon buckets i fed them early on but probly not enough to make any differerence. so basically they are starving!


Well-Known Member
those help, pics of the whole plant would be even better. ;)

from what i see they aren't "starving". looks like some nitrogen wouldn't hurt. having a few yellow leaves at the bottom of the plant is common.

i'd feed some nitrogen to them while letting the soil dry out a little between each watering. :cool:


i havnt checked my ph i think im going to go buy a kit later today ill also take more pictures and upload them later on tonight


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i havnt checked my ph i think im going to go buy a kit later today ill also take more pictures and upload them later on tonight
ph lock out is bad, when this happens your plant can not take any thing in, when you harvest your plant and the stalks are hollow then you know that your plant was grown right..


0718111330b.jpg0718111330.jpgi just tested it and the p0718111330b.jpgh is sitting around 7 to 7.5 and the nitrogen level is about as low as it can get. what would be a good thing to buy to increase the nitrogen?


Well-Known Member
ph lock out is bad, when this happens your plant can not take any thing in, when you harvest your plant and the stalks are hollow then you know that your plant was grown right..
Really?? I never knew that about the stalks... hehe new wrinkle for my brain. I had a strain called legends ultimate indica and the stalks were always hollow after I chopped and I just thought it was the strain.