Not enough water or something else??(pics)


Well-Known Member
What's up RIU, couple of my ladies look like this. I'm thinking under watered? Plz help.. Thanks btw 36 days old pro mix with canna nutes 1000hps temps upper 60's to mid 70's



Well-Known Member
looks like copper/zinc plus under watered to me
Thanks for reply.. Copper and zinc huh? I've just upped watering on last 2 waters.. This is my second grow and first grow sucked!! So I'm trying not to over water but looks like they may need some.. Any suggestions?


Active Member
I've noticed plants droop a lot both from over and under watering.
The questions i always ask myself are: how long has it been since i watered.
how big is my container
Does it feel light when i pick it up
If i poke a hole an inch or two deep is the soil moist

I wouldn't trust me on the copper/ zinc because i'm just going off a chart, but it looks a lot like that to me. It could also be very early potassium (which sounds a lot more plausible since zinc and copper are pretty obscure nutrients) but theres no yellowing so I'm not sure.

You are getting around the time that potassium does start to matter but i don't really know whats in canna nutes so i could be way off.

Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
I've noticed plants droop a lot both from over and under watering.
The questions i always ask myself are: how long has it been since i watered.
how big is my container
Does it feel light when i pick it up
If i poke a hole an inch or two deep is the soil moist

I wouldn't trust me on the copper/ zinc because i'm just going off a chart, but it looks a lot like that to me. It could also be very early potassium (which sounds a lot more plausible since zinc and copper are pretty obscure nutrients) but theres no yellowing so I'm not sure.

You are getting around the time that potassium does start to matter but i don't really know whats in canna nutes so i could be way off.

Hope that helps.
Thanks man.. Yea they r a pretty green for the most part no yellowing or nothing like that, that's why I thought maybe a watering issue..


Well-Known Member
lol I use those type pots(buckets)too. Have to be careful because the pots are so tall you cant do the finger test, you have to go by weight with those type. Improper drainage can cause algae below. You really have to cut some gaping holes in those, small holes get clogged. I usually give half-1 gallon water with those depending on plant size.