Not growing???


Active Member
Hi guys, I'm a little confused here. I've seen many people grow full sized plants in about a month or two's time.

Now, my problem is that I started growing mine from seeds (they are Afghani gold) for nearly 5 weeks now, and it seems like they are growing extremely slowly. I rarely feed them because they are in pure growing compost, the soil is mostly moist, they are under a 30 watt full spectrum halogen light bulb and the temperature of my room is usually around 15 - 20c.

I have attatched a little picture showing the set of plants on week 3 and 5:

Sorry about the quality of the picture for week 5, it was taken from a phone. :P

Is there anything I can do to help my poor babies?


  • week3and5gk7.jpg
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i think, firstly your bulb is really poor, 30 watt halojen gives almost 600 lumen, am i wrong, it is so poor, and also i dont think so your bulb is halojen, it seems cfl. but also poor again. and you can up the tempeture 25c
good idea, plus, you will need the hps for flowering later, i can advice to you, research about mh, hps and cfl growing before spending money
its too cold and thats the wrong light!both of which slow a plants growth down massively,,,yes a 250watt mh will be a MASSIVE improvement!you may need to buy some fans to stop ya grow space getting to hot,,a oscilaiting fan for air circulation and stem strengthening is a must too,,if you can fit one in ya grow space,,peace
lmao 30 ws halo gen u cuddt grow ANYTHINg under that at all its so crusty and crap!!! u shud smash ur self over the head, befor eu start growing try and READ articles about growing, then u wil know that a halogen 30w bulb is no good for anything nto even house lighting LOL....nooobs!!1 u must REAd up abut this befor eue ven attempt growin becaus eull end up with nuffin
That's real rich coming from a guy with 0 pics in his gallery. If you can't afford a camera then I fail to believe that you have a Hydro setup with 600 watt MH and HPS bulbs according to one of your posts.

Not only that, but you can't even speak proper English.

So you can either go away or help me if you know so much.
That's real rich coming from a guy with 0 pics in his gallery. If you can't afford a camera then I fail to believe that you have a Hydro setup with 600 watt MH and HPS bulbs according to one of your posts.

Not only that, but you can't even speak proper English.

So you can either go away or help me if you know so much.

you know what, i know ALOT more than u p3nis boy!!!! dont insult me, i can speak PROPER english i jus cant type, and if i didnt have 6 plants under 600w mh then why wud i say i did, jus because i dont take picture sit means im lying and cannot speak english, u f*&kin noob, go learn how to grow then ask ur dumb questions ok!!!

happy growing n good luck coz ull need u damn noob!!!
Hi guys, I'm a little confused here. I've seen many people grow full sized plants in about a month or two's time.

Now, my problem is that I started growing mine from seeds (they are Afghani gold) for nearly 5 weeks now, and it seems like they are growing extremely slowly. I rarely feed them because they are in pure growing compost, the soil is mostly moist, they are under a 30 watt full spectrum halogen light bulb and the temperature of my room is usually around 15 - 20c.

I have attatched a little picture showing the set of plants on week 3 and 5:

Sorry about the quality of the picture for week 5, it was taken from a phone. :P

Is there anything I can do to help my poor babies?

lol u make me laugh u say this then challenge my set up!! u sucker
Easy people. remember this is a reefer site. NOT A FIGHT SITE. Talking poorly or typing like shit isn't a capital A FENCE (SEE I"M STILL ALive ) :)
Xeno-Dont take this the wrong way...but damn, those are some little ladies. I would definately say you entire problem is light. Buy a real light and you will notice a drastic change in their growth rate. My first grow was vegged under 10 26w(100w equiv.) cfl's, and they grew at what i thought was an acceptable rate. My current grow is vegging under a 400w hps and at 5 weeks to the day tomorrow, they are literally twice the size that my first set of plants were( at 5 weeks.) Also you may find it invaluable to read through the grow faq , it has been a wealth of knowledge and has improved my growing 10 fold. There can be alot more to growing than just stickin seeds in the ground and waitin for the dank. My original 100 dollar budget, has (along with my plants), grown quite alot. I'm not being mean in saying this but, you really need to do your homework and get what youll need, and at least have a basic understanding of whats going on with growing before you come in here and say " I grow with 1 30w halogen, why are my plants only 2 inches tall?" , because, honestly, with no more than 1 minute of effort on your part, you would've known the problem. Better yet, with that 1 minute of effort, you wouldve started your grow with the right equipment in the first place.
all i was doing is stating facts mate!! if u dont listen ull never learn and ull end up with 2 inch high 5 week old babies for the rest of ur life, jus take the criticism ina good way!!!!
Xeno-Dont take this the wrong way...but damn, those are some little ladies. I would definately say you entire problem is light. Buy a real light and you will notice a drastic change in their growth rate. My first grow was vegged under 10 26w(100w equiv.) cfl's, and they grew at what i thought was an acceptable rate. My current grow is vegging under a 400w hps and at 5 weeks to the day tomorrow, they are literally twice the size that my first set of plants were( at 5 weeks.) Also you may find it invaluable to read through the grow faq , it has been a wealth of knowledge and has improved my growing 10 fold. There can be alot more to growing than just stickin seeds in the ground and waitin for the dank. My original 100 dollar budget, has (along with my plants), grown quite alot. I'm not being mean in saying this but, you really need to do your homework and get what youll need, and at least have a basic understanding of whats going on with growing before you come in here and say " I grow with 1 30w halogen, why are my plants only 2 inches tall?" , because, honestly, with no more than 1 minute of effort on your part, you would've known the problem. Better yet, with that 1 minute of effort, you wouldve started your grow with the right equipment in the first place.

Spot on!!!!
I just switched my 3 girls form 80W of flouro to 400w of MH, and they were about the size of yours at 2 1/2 weeks. After 36 hours under MH....the leaves have literally doubled in size and two new leaf sets have appeared on two of the three plants...and one new leaf set on all 3...light makes ALL the difference. Period. As for all else......just remember, we were/all noobs (I prefer the more formal Nubian) once and are surely Nubians at many other let's show each other some love!!
Grimreefa you didn't even have the sense to hook up a fucking fan to exhaust ducting and you're dissing on this guy? I had to comment because I saw you called him a "p3nis boy" which I found absolutely hilarious.
So what the guy didnt do his research, less ignorant people can point somebody in the right direction without being a douche:?
besides you cant criticize people about anything if you can even spell simple words:roll: