Not really a newbie but looking for advice so though id start here!


Alright so I recent moved out to Reno, NV. an as we all know NV is desert not really the right type of growing land and weather either since it snows and gets really hot too! So I've got some seeds that i came across from one of the clubs in CA that i go to and i 'm curious what's ya'll opion on growing them?!

I've got experince in growing buble ponix and soil. But what do the minds of riuo think?! HMU?


Well-Known Member
Not good for growing? Learn the terrain first. Native Texan here who grew guerrilla all over the desert southwest. Biggest concern: water. Plant on south facing slopes or southeast facing even better for some shade in the PM. Plant outdoors when nighttime temps stay around 58-60. Check the mineral in the soil there. West Texas has so much dolomite in the soil it is unreal.


Active Member
My opinion... GROW DAT $HIT, skillet... we can't overgrow the government until we all unite and plant.
Germinate those little seeds and make it happen, cap'n


Active Member
Sorry... I get all worked up sometimes...
Is this better:


We need more Green Army Warriors out there, anything I can do to get another planting, I'm gonna do it.


Well-Known Member
I grow in the desert too and it's no different. Maybe more expensive to keep temperatures and humidity levels right if you worry about them. I mean humidity levels not temp. Go for it!