New Member
Hey everyone, just wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction on what is going on with my plant, it was given to me about 5 days ago, im starting week 3 and im just trying to figure out if its nute burn or heat stress or the lights or i dont even flipping now because im a newbie, temps are at 22c/ 71f to 24c/ 75f humidity is between 67% to 71% and there on a 18on and 6off light schedule temps drope about 4 to 6 degrees at night, i have the light sitting at 26" from the top of plant and i think im using a 70/30 mix and its soiless.... perlite and somthing else im not to sure, but again not my plant just trying to save it and i can keep it, im using ph perfect technology micro grow and bloom dont have a ppm tester yet, any help would be appreciated, much love, thanks everyone.