Not sure what’s wrong with my leaves


I am growing autos 3 weeks in and one of my plants started getting small spots that where thinner and lighter. Now they are getting bigger and on more leaves. I’m using dry fert in coco and I watered a few days ago but it took a while to dry so I haven’t watered since, the humidity was also a little on the high side. The first 2 pictures are from 2 days ago the others are from today



Well-Known Member
Dry fert + coco = 90% of the threads about problems on here. Don’t fight the statistics, switch to bottles

like the doc said, don’t let coco dry out. Did you do any research prior to dropping seeds?


I’ve done a photoperiod grow that came out really good doing the same thing but I moved and my current place I was having trouble with humidity but I got a better dehumidifier. The coco didn’t seem to be drying but I checked the pots and there were some dry spots so I watered


Well-Known Member
Lol I don’t even grow in coco and know this much about it.Too afraid of messing it up but have read a lot on here about it. Here in a few grows I may give it a shot