now whats wrong? I got PICS!


Well-Known Member
notice this on my leaves the other day and the fan leaves are turning yellow. Wut do you think it is and how can the problem be rectified? growing in soil 5 gallon pot 4 week of flowering starting giving it guano tea from budswell during the beginning of flowering



Active Member
well i must say all in all they look great, they just have a slight nutrient defficiency easily solved, guano is good but i suggest ordering dr.hornby's (WATER SOLUABLE) big bud it more well rounded


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are having deficiencies in phosphorus mainly. Remember when you are in the flowering state the plants needs change. Buds will increase in size when the level of phosphorus and potassium are increased and when the level of nitrogen decreases comparatively to the vegetative state.