Nubie question about nutes and some input would help


OK guys so here is where i am at. Some of my plants are doing well, some are a lil small yet (doesnt bother me any, probley normal). But the question that i have is, when should i start using nutes? The plants in reference were started from a seed about 5 weeks ago. I just transplanted them into larger containers ( 3 gal grow bags). So they now have some fresh nutes in the soil, using Fox Farms Potting soil with a mix of MIracle Grow potting mix. Planning on going to the hydro shop in the morning to get some nutes, was planning on getting advanced nutes 2 part. And and all suggestions and advice would be very appreciated, this is my first grow. And i will put some pics up tomorrow. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
well now that u have transplanted into nuted soil, u should be good for at least another 3 weeks id say before having to supplement as long as u r going to be keeping them in veg. Just keep on eye on them, as long as they stay healthy green, do not add anything.


wow, that was a quick response. i failed to mention that i have had them in this soil for few weeks now. And continued them in this soil when i just transplanted again. I went with the lil humidor contaor for the seedlings for first 2.5-3 weeks, then went to dixie cups and now to their permanent home. more transplanting then i wanted, but didnt have my grow bags when they need out of the lil lil container. so no nutes for a couple weeks huh?


Well-Known Member
again if u just re-planted in fresh nuted soil, u should have no need for any. always watch ur plants, generally they will tell u if they need anything :)

Fatty R Buckle

Active Member
Some strains are nute hogs some are not. Do you have any info on the strain?? Is it showing signs of needing to be fed?? i use fox farms too, I dont mix it with scotts like you. I do a mix of 75% FF and 25% perlite and I notice that some strains will cruise all the way thru 5 weeks of veg and need nothing but water and some other strains a week or two in will need to be fed..


the strain is unknow. i do know that the plants that the seeds came off of were bout 6' tall and yeilded alot and i mean a lot. but there were very seedy (which is what i am looking to avoid obviously).. also, they seem to be ok, nice and green. But like i said some are small and some are bigger (compared to the pics that i see on here they are all small). WHich could be due to my lower temps (like round maybe 70ish in light hrs and like 65ish in dark hrs). they are in a grow room in my garage and its priey to heat the whole thing. Going to modify the room to hopefully help keep temps higher. ANyways, like stated before, they seem fine, but they have been in that mixture of soil since 2.5 weeks old. Can anyone PM me to discuss couple things or nah.?