NUTE BURN? 2-3 weeks flowering


Active Member
I flushed this plant it started looking a lot better. Now it's dying the same way all my plants suffered before. The tips of all the leaves go brown and then the whole plant quickly wrinkles up.
I put a tiny amount of 15-30-15 MG flowering nutes and now im thinking ive been killing my plants with nute burn.
When I flushed I used 1/4 strength and that worked...two weeks later I gave it some nutes and now its dying.
The leaves have been getting really yellow..thats why I gave it nutreints.
I'm sure I haven't been overwatering..if anything underwatering..put prob. not.

It's under a 400 watt hps 12/12 2-3 weeks old.

IF IT IS NUTE BURN(which im almost sure it is) do I have to flush them again or is can I just overwater them a little or something besides using 7 gallons of water.



Active Member
Sorry, had to get pictures from different computer.

I really would like to know if flushing is the only way to save them or is there something else I could do?



Active Member
Since no one responded I just went ahead and flushed the plants.

They seems to look fine for a couple of days but then they went right back to having the same problems as before.

So now I have no idea why my fan leaves keep curling up and dying.


Active Member
After some reading I've heard that MG nutes is kinda like giving your plant crack.
And crack is bad mmkay
So I'm going to try and find some better stuff over the weekend.

The pictures arn't trying to show anything I just wanted to put them up.



Active Member
try switching to organic fertlizer, I found bat guanuas and seabird dropping to work good. Look for International house of guana they have complete packages contining high nitrogen and high phosphorus. Never had any nutrient problems and im growing my fitfh crop.


Active Member
Also try giving the plant a high nitrogen solution the yellowing of the leaves would lead me think that might be the problem


Well-Known Member
hows the ph??if its off your plant will be lacking certain nutrients,nitrogen being one,could explain the yellowing,how often have you been watering?if you have been overfeeding and the problem gets worse then flush,,,,,,,,,,,,,,peace


Active Member
I have a pretty good PH meter and I heard soil is pretty forgiving. But all my water is about 6.35-6.75. So I don't think its the Ph

How do i give my plant CO2, and is it a big deal?

Ill Start looking in to bat guano and see if i wanna go that route. PLEASE DOES ANYONE HAVE A GOOD RECIPE for what my plants should be sitting in.
Ive got the old ones in organic soil and the younger ones in MG potting mix right now. I'm thinking MG nutes are part of the problem but maybe I need a more stable medium

My youngests are loosing their oldest leaves. Does the plants normally just loose leaves or should all the leaves survive?


Well-Known Member
MMMMMMMM organic soil - you should really try to keep the same soil as best you can so you don't shock ur plants. I like the idea of laying off all nutes and just feeding straight water for a while. Just to see if the problem is something you're generating and get a clear idea of the direct symptoms of whatever problem your plants may be facing. MG is heavy shit for plants, and there's so much in the soil already that any supplemental nutes can push the limits. Next time I grow I'm only using organic soil so I can have more control over the effects of supplemental nutes!

Plants will loose all the 3 fingered leaves and some 5's but generally should keep the fan leaves until later into flowering.

Sorry you're not getting a lot of info on ur posts, you can always "bump" - you're plants look like they have great potential, I'd hate to see them die b/c nobody happens to run into your post - g'luck


Active Member
Pic 1: The longest flowering plant. Its lost most of its big leaves except the top ones. It seems like its going a little slow, been lookin the same for a while. Would it help to tear off things that seems to not be doing so well? Been flowering for about 40 days.

Pic 2: Also been flowering about 40 days. Great example of what I have been able to save. But it is a different strain. I did transplant into a larger pot about 25 days in. It just seemed to thin out and stretch up to the hight of the other plants.

Pic 3 and 4: Been flowering for about 20 days. It got more veg time but still, how it took off and got so high ill never know. Its a nice tall plant. But its leaves are tiny and going quickly. I flushed it today, maybe that'll help.

Pic 5: Plant in the front has been flowering for about 15 days and the plant in the back has been flowering for about 25 days. The only different b/w the two, the front one is in a smaller pot. I don't know how the younger one is doing so much better. Same strain.

All plants have been having problems since late vegging and I've messed something up on the way. They are in a combination of organic and mg potting soil. Mostly Organic. I have changed soils a bit but I tried not to make a dramatic change.
I am using MG nutes, I just haven't been able to make the switch yet.
I'm trying to get a compost pile started and maybe get some worm castings so I can start going all organic.
I'm thinking MG is the problem. I've been flushing when it gets real bad and making sure my nutes are very diluted.
I have a digital Ph meter so my ph is on. 6.3-6.7 max
400 watt HPS grow bright.

Just looking for any kind of diagnosis



Active Member
These are my younger plants. Different strain from all other plants.
Basically the second try at it. They are in 2 part MG soil 1 part perlite 1/2 part vermiculite little bit of lime. I have not had to give them any nutes yet. They have been veging for just under a month.

The very bottom leaves seem to turn brown and die. But its happening very slowly. They look very green and healthy except for some random glossy grayish areas.

They seem to do so well in the MG in wondering if the plants I have flowering are just a outdoor strain that I'm trying to grow indoors.
Maybe this strain is actually an indoor strain.

I really just need to get some feminanized seeds



Well-Known Member
When I flushed I used 1/4 strength and that worked...two weeks later I gave it some nutes and now its dying.

I'm confused by this. Just to make sure, what do you mean when you say you used 1/4 strength when you flushed? 1/4 strength of what? Are you flushing with something other than water?

Then after flushing, you gave it straight water for two weeks before you added any kind of nutes?