Well-Known Member
Well I was on here about a week ago and everyone said they seemed healthy, but it looks like the yellowing has gotten slightly worse. Growth hasn't changed much, but my plants are experiencing the following symptoms;
- Yellow tips
- Tips curling down
- Bent/creased leaves?
My setup is;
-100W CFL and 30W CFL
-70W HPS
-The lights and fan are on an 18/6 cycle. Water daily in the morning with rain water.
-Soil is mix of normal top soil, miracle grow, and perlite.
Any help would be appreciated! Here are the shots.
Thanks in advance!
- Yellow tips
- Tips curling down
- Bent/creased leaves?
My setup is;
-100W CFL and 30W CFL
-70W HPS
-The lights and fan are on an 18/6 cycle. Water daily in the morning with rain water.
-Soil is mix of normal top soil, miracle grow, and perlite.
Any help would be appreciated! Here are the shots.
Thanks in advance!