Nute burn or deficiency?


Hi mates,

I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my babies. Do you guys think it's a nute burn or deficiency?:?:hindu-kush-skunk 004.jpghindu-kush-skunk 002.jpghindu-kush-skunk 003.jpghindu-kush-skunk 001.jpg


Hmmm.... I wasn't able to find your post. I did go over some stickies though, and it seems as if it can be either a deficiency or a burn. I bought these clones 2 weeks ago and they were in rockwool cubes. One already already had these troubling signs, but it got worst since then. I haven't been adding any nutes, but I know for sure that my soil has some organic compounds like guano/bone meal etc. etc. so.... I am planning to start feeding about 2 weeks from now. Please help!