Nute Burn or Deficiency?

Yesterday I took these pictures of my fan leaves. The new growth is turning yellow and is becoming spotted. This morning some of the spots had turned a burnt orange color. This is only happening to new growth, and the older leaves look fine. I don't think its heat from my lights, I have CFL's and a fan going that keep the temps cool.

This is a Hydropinic grow, two weeks in, and I was following the GH Flora schedule, but last night I diluted the water to hopefully curve a possible nute burn. I test the PH everytime I do something to the water and its around 6 flat. I don't even know if its a nute burn or deficiency though. Any help on this would be much appreciated.



Active Member
you have two things goin on there my friend...yes you have some kind of def, but also the start of nute burn, the fan leaf in pic 2, curling under and edges discolor....:peace:

edit: get rid of the tinfoil:-?


Active Member
The only time I get that look from my leaves is on my blueberry kush. It has only happens when my BBK fan leaves get so damn big that no light hits my lower leaves/branches and they will kinda warp like yours have.
For me I just trim so light gets though.

So my question for use is how much light are you using? Is it enough?
I want to rid the foil, but its there to keep my drip ring from spewing water on the leaves, which leaves a residue.

I honestly doubt its enough, I'm short on resources and I'm trying to veg with 70w CFL 6500k until I can get more wattage. I have a 150w HPS but it's currently being used to flower another plant. Would shortage of light cause an issue such as this?

Another question, should I sit and wait to see if anything changes? I already reduces nutes in fear that I burned my plant, but it got worse in the last 24 hours and growth is stunted. Should I change my water and nutes again?

Edit: Foil removed, Fan leaves trimmed. The vegetation under the fan leaves looks very healthy, hopefully they stay that way.


Active Member
dont think its nute burn. Burn looks like the blades go slightly yellow. If it continues the leaf normal stays in decent shape but the leaves take on a brown at blade tips and yellow going in. If it continues after that it looks like the plant sat in 130 temp for 8 hours lol.

I am pretty sure it light.


Active Member
nute burn doesnt always make the leafs go yellow.....they will curl under or turn brown or turn crispy or a combo of any.....ever here of "the claw" thatll happen to......or curl up just depends....oh and lights being too close will also make the leaves curl up....
I moved my CFLs a bit further away, and moved my fan to increase air flow. I'll update the condition of the leaves in the next few days.
Yesterday, morning I flushed my Waterfarm and put generous amounts of nutrients into the reservoir, and I'm proud to say that over night the plant has gotten a lot of green back the growth has increased significantly. Weather it was the heat from the lights, or a nutrient deficiency, my plant is back on track.

I'm giving you all +rep for your help, it was much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
This is a deficiency. Magnesium and a bit of nitrogen.
Try a nute with a slightly higher nitrogen ratio and add a table spoon of Espom salt to the Res.
Make sure the epsom salt is already diluted in warm water before putting it in the Res.

Good Luck