Nute Burn???? or Nute a Def???? multiple pics



I been trying figure out what the issue is for quite some time now.... I think I may have given too many nutrients in the beginning...but I also think there is a Ph problem with the soil..runoff is typically in the low 5's...been trying to correct by adding some lime and a higher ph of water (like 8ish) - iv stopped all nutrients for almost 2 weeks this point in time I'm not sure what is causing this....I used some sledgehammer about a week ago as well to try and break down some of the excess salt...not a complete flush just a good watering. runoff today was a little better like mid high 5s. - if you can't tell by the growth is pretty good in color but supppperrrr slowed like maybe and inch every weak - the browned areas of the leaves are cripsy and brittle - if anybody has any idea then

R.O. soil
R.O. Nutes
water every 3 days...alternating nute/water

any suggestions will help:hump::hug:

by the way...i have my license


Well-Known Member
Hey what are your temps/humidity like? Those look exactly how mine did and im pretty sure it was caused by heat stress since my temps were around 28-30°c and humidity around 25%. It was early in their life and i hadnt been feeding too much nutes so i dont think it was nute burn.


Temperature is pretty steady between 68-72 F ..humidity fluctuates some but usually stays between 30 and 40

I appreciate the fast response!