Nute burn or nute deficient??? (PICS)


I am using fox farm ocean forest soil and whenever I start flowering the leaves will start looking like this WITHOUT adding any nutes. I'm thinking either the soil is too high in potassium or it's not getting enough. I can't tell if its deficient or burnt.... I really don't think its mites or pH, or temperature so i figure it must be a nutrient problem. I am 2 weeks away from harvest so I don't plan on fixing the problem now...but I was just thinking ahead for the next grow. Other things I was considering were possibly phosphorous or magnesium deficiency. Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
Picture3 to me looks like magnesium deficiency progression.

Does it begin with the leaves getting pale and then eventually looking like pic2?

If so quite possibly Mg being the culprit.

You could add some dolomite lime to your soil next time and top dress every few weeks to see if it helps.



Yes thank you. That is definitely the start of it in pic3. I will try the lime next time for sure.