NUTE BURN? (plenty of pictures)


Well-Known Member
well i looked at the growfaq and im pretty sure its nute burn.looked under all the leaves and found nothing.aeven sprayed with fox farm bug me not to be sure.

this is my first time following fox farms feeding schedule

i think i just need to skip a feeding .

they are 3 weeks and 1 day i just wanted to be sure,any opinions?



Well-Known Member
Watering plain is not going to hurt anything, my guess is a pH problem, it will never heal the affected leaves but will show on new growth that you are doing something right...i would rather water and be sure, then put nutes in when I'm not sure...if you don't own a pH tester then you should pick one up they are not that hard, you suck up the run off in your pan and put 5 mL in the little bottle that it comes with, it should be a light green color is good, yellow or blue is bad...hope this helps ;) good luck


Well-Known Member
you have no idea how much that helped thanks.but for the most part the plants seem like they are getting new growth.ive been taking pictures everysingle gonna make a slideshow and post it up on here