Nute Burn vs Nitro Deff


Active Member
Not sure what my babies ( 2-3 weeks)get all the time. Yellwoing tips then frying of remainder of bottom leaf. No nutes given in fox farm ocean forest or pro mix . Not sure if I should hold off nutes til later or give some for nitro deff. Please advise difference betweeen nute burn and nitro deff symptoms. They loook the same to me.


Well-Known Member
I've seen N burn in a lot of plants including weed -- it usually begins as discrete brown spots with a yellow outer ring which, in bad cases, grow out and eventually consume the leaf. N burn usually starts on the lowest leaves, and works up.

N deficiency usually shows as an overall yellowing, often leaving the veins green until it gets really bad. It mimics iron-deficiency chlorosis in many ways, but iron deficiency is rare in any decent soil.

If you're working with Foxfarm, it's hard to imagine you're having N burn without any added nutes. It's either deficiency, or something else altogether (light, temp, moisture, fungal disease, etc).

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
Not sure what my babies ( 2-3 weeks)get all the time. Yellwoing tips then frying of remainder of bottom leaf. No nutes given in fox farm ocean forest or pro mix . Not sure if I should hold off nutes til later or give some for nitro deff. Please advise difference betweeen nute burn and nitro deff symptoms. They loook the same to me.
nitrogen makes the leaf yellow from outside in and nute burn makes your leafs yellow and rusty and can shrivel leaves if severe. flush it and check ph and ppm if you can and post up pictures that always helps