Nute def or normal late flower yellowing?

Foliar spray is the quickest way to get nutrients into the plants.

You will have to feed them something that has already been broken down so its comes in plant available form.

There is a lot open space there, I would have filled the room up a bit more. More plants next run maybe?

If you want to do well with soil, my recommendation is to use slightly bigger soils. If you are buying craft soil and going to do water only then I rate you need bigger pots so there is more nutrients available to the plant for the entire run.

If you want to stick with the smaller pots then topdressing is your next step.

Those nugs are nice and chunky tho, well done!
I already top dressed but it only seemed to work for about 2 weeks.

Im using subcools But i use more blackplace manure in place Of guano.

Never had issue outside W big pots, this my first try w it indoor under QBs.
And does anyone else have an issue posting on here with too many spaces like my last post? I'm not adding in 3 paragraphs worth of spaces it just keeps doing it on its own
Haha no problems like that but I'm not allowed to edit auto predict. Yes make teas and fish is easy to make really easy I got 25litres for 5 quid

Plants respond well to aminos with no energy spent to absorb them can foilar too Ewc tea is just worm cast tea it's friggin life saving
Disregard I found the info and I'm reading up now.

Also I'm gonna switch to 2 llon pots from the one gallon pots for the next go and. amend with some more manure
Hey brother, I started in solos and thought I’d go up to 4 or 5 gallon on my two girls.
instead I went to 10 gallon and scrog’d them. It’s been fun and with the help of some cool folks here I’ve been able to manage recent fluctuations in feeding needs much more easily.PH also much more stable and much more difficult to overwater.

maybe consider giving two or three 10 gal pots a go. I know all the big time organic soil growers for the most part swear by larger pots creating a more healthy/diverse biology.

never Hurts to try.

you’re girls don’t look all that bad with a few weeks to go. You’ll get em there! Have fun man.
Does anyone have a preferred EWC tea recipe?

I see some that are just nothing but the castings and other people are putting molasses and other things

in them?