Nute Label Says BAD??


Active Member
So I was reading my nute label after getting my DWC bubbler started and it says "Never Use Oxygen in your solution"... So I went to a website that sells the product and found this: (House & Garden Aqua Flakes 1L by Horizen Hydroponics)

"Notice: Do NOT add Aqua Flakes A&B at the same time, as this triggers a chemical reaction in the nutrient resulting in sediment, incomplete nourishment and clogged piping. Contrary to what you might have heard with other nutrients, never use an oxygen pump in the nutrient container or in the growth table. This may have serious consequences for the stability of the nutrients."

So I did/am doing both these forbidden things - well, added the "B" solution a few minutes after --- do I need I really worry all that much about it?!

what happens if I use the air pumps?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
It depends on the nutes. Some nutes have added bacteria cultures that o2 can kill. Most dont have bacteria added but things like dr hornsby and some organics will have these cultures and will be killed by o2. I prefer a stable not bacteria cultured nute and then add my grotek H202 do not use regular brown bottle from the store as it has some harmful chemicals added for the plants to uptake if you do.The air stone should effect any nutes worth thier name as it will actiually add pure o2 to the root zone and keep the nutes from settling in the res bottom


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I just read what they said.They are saying dont mix the nutes in at the same time.Mix one first stir it get it well mixe4d then add the B nutrients stir them and mix them in. As with alot of nutes you dont wanna just mix all the nutes in a pitcher then poor them in as ph stability can be messed up and they more or less clump and dont stay suspended in the solution


Active Member
Hey man.. Thanks for the responses - I waited a few minutes between adding them and the water looked a bit like tea colored to me .. it seemed to be bubbling pretty smoothly.. so I'm not gonna worry much there.. I also checked out this article and it warns too of the oxygen just saying that the stability to the ph is the issue:

I guess I wont worry bout it till something looks wrong. I gotta figure out what I am gonna do about Ph checking cause I still haven't gotten a meter yet and time is ticking. I know Ill make a few mistakes to start off. I'll post a pic or two in a few days.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
go to ebay dont worry its safe.Grab a digital ph pen. They have them for about $28 shipped directly to you and work great I have use these for years never an issue