Nute Opinions


So currently some friends and I are working on a few girls outdoors and We've been consistent everyday with the following:
Super thrive, Bio Root, and BioThrive
Superthrive.jpegBio Root.jpegBioThrive.jpeg
I myself have been using a mixture of the Following:
1 Gallon Distilled Water
2 Tablespoons of Bio Root
2 Tablespoons of Bio Thrive
and 2 Cap full of SUPERthrive. (Very Small cap)

We've been using this on 3 different "Girls" for nearly a week and a half now (The day we bought from the Dispensary)
The Gallon mixture is spread amongst all 3 girls, {not a separate gallon per plant}.
As I stated before this has been everyday for a week and a half now after a light misting on the plants, and before a final heavy misting. The girls are looking great, averaging about 1/4" in growth height and are still growing strong.
I was wondering if anyone had any opinions/facts and(or) knew a better setup of nutes to help our girls outdoor growing flourish.
All info/opinions are welcomed. Much appreciated,