Nutes, Ferts in the Outdoors


Active Member
Probably going to start germinating in the next few days, planning on an outdoor grow - I think that I'll be able to visit them once every couple weeks, and wanted to know what NPK solution would be best to use throughout the process. I figured that at first a higher first and third number, then as flowering occurs crank up the phosphorus - is this correct? I'm going to use a wated down formula anyways, but just wanted to give the plants an extra kick - any thoughts on this is much appreciated.


Active Member
during veg u need 2 concentrate on nitrogen more then anyting else, but a little of phosporous n potassuim is good. what nutes r u giving them? Organic or synthetic? also, once every few weeks is not going 2 b enough in the middle of summer.


Well-Known Member
:hump: ..... I like this little charater .... :clap:

I'm just a pleased as punch to be here .... I would like to know since this thread covers my question ...
... how often do you feed when growing outside .... this is my first outdoor grow so please be gentle.:| :hug: