Nutes for auto flowering strains. Help, please


Well-Known Member

I've been searching all over for information on a nutrient schedule for auto flowering strains. I've got 2 Buddha White Dwarf growing right now, (Put in the soil on 3/15/09). Every 20 days, I'll be planting 3 seeds, all auto flowering strains, in the hopes of achieving the "Perpetual Grow"! I can't seem to find any info on what nutes to feed my ladies with and when. They basically skip the veg stage and go right into flowering, (duh, you already know that). I need to know when to start giving them nutes and what proportions. I am using strictly Fox Farm products. Ocean Forest soil, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place or asking a dumb ass question, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

Peace & Pot :weed:


New Member
Since there is no real point to going with a veg nute... I would simply add an organic 9-6-3 and throw in something like Big Bud as an additive which is 0-15-40. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Active Member
It sounds like you know your feeding schedule. I would just use the Fox Farm starting the flowering earlier.


Well-Known Member

I've been searching all over for information on a nutrient schedule for auto flowering strains. I've got 2 Buddha White Dwarf growing right now, (Put in the soil on 3/15/09). Every 20 days, I'll be planting 3 seeds, all auto flowering strains, in the hopes of achieving the "Perpetual Grow"! I can't seem to find any info on what nutes to feed my ladies with and when. They basically skip the veg stage and go right into flowering, (duh, you already know that). I need to know when to start giving them nutes and what proportions. I am using strictly Fox Farm products. Ocean Forest soil, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. I'm sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place or asking a dumb ass question, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!

Peace & Pot :weed:
Pontcumb..... Your soil is nute hot enought to cover the veg growth (the 1st three weeks of it). After that, 1/4 mixing strength of the Grow Big every ten days. & 1/2 mixing strength Big Bloom every 5 days.
This will allow your girls to take in what they need, and fill out, without nute burn. No need to force feed them, force feeding is a waste of ferts & time. Don't buy into the more is better thing, it's not.....
Hope this helps......:weed:


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the advice!!! Pretty much what I thought, but I'm still new and learning. It's my first attempt with auto flowering strains so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks again!
