Nutes for first weeks of flowering?


Hey peepz! itzzza...meeah! Mario! haha. Anywayz, does anyone know what I should do for my first stage of flowering? Should I give them nutes, or should I be watering them for the first two weeks with just regular ph water? I know that were suppose to do that for the last two weeks, but I'm confused about the first two weeks? hmmmm....? Could anyone please help me out. Thanx alot everyone...happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Some people force feed their girls, while others wait for the plants to ask for it. If you want to feed early go ahead, just start with a diluted mix. Go 1/4th strength to be safe. Next week none. The following week 1/2, then none. And slowly work your way up.

I'm sure other people will add to this and give you better info. I'm just not big into over feeding my plants.


Well-Known Member
If you want your plants to start flowering earlier start givin them nutes, if you want them to grow a little extra tall keep feeding them veg nutes if your giving them anything at all


Ok...icic, thanx alot guyz. I think I'm gonna try giving 1/4 strength first and work my way up till the last two weeks.