Nutes help how much!!

Basicaly ive got my bio bizz bloom and my plants 5 days into flowering ive got the mix ready im just wondering how often shall i feed it and how much shall i give it and shall i water it at the same time :s cheers


Most nutes tell you on the side of the bottle how much to mix per gallon/liter of water. I have seen several videos where the grower fills up a trash can with X amount gallon, adds in the nutes and then just pulls his water from that resevoir to water the plants every 2-4 days depending on the needs of the plants. if you do this you just have to make sure to keep an air stone in the res so that the water doesnt stagnate.
im confused can people help me! says on the bottle use with every watering so that means ii water the plant then feed the nutes?


Well-Known Member
i use bio bizz bloomand bio biz grow. on my first week of flowering i add 3ml of bloom to each litre of water( i also add 3ml of grow, but thats just coz my mate does it and his crops are always decent) and that about it , my plants take roughly 3 to 3.5 litres each watering, i water (almost) every third day as thats when my pots are dry. i feed them each watering, the following week increase ur nutes by 1ml per litre and continue until halfway thru your flowering time and then reduce 1ml per litre each week till harvest, on the last week dont feed nutes but if u want add mollasses instead.( ive never done the mollasses thing but i will be next week, ive read a lot of good things about it). if u need to, give ur plant one water every two weeks with no nutes at all , its supposed to give them a partial flush and clear away any salt/nute build up. i also add epsom salts on day 10 and day 36 of flowering(magnesiun sulphate).remember underfeeding is ALWAYS better than overfeeding, reduced yeild is an improvement on dead and burnt plants.


Well-Known Member
i use a ten litre bucket and mix my required amount of nutes with the water, then using a 1litre measuring jug i feed/water my plants. i water/feed them until i get a little run off on the bottom saucer.


Well-Known Member
dude i know that im just wondering when i feed my plant should i use normal watering water to water it aswel.
yes. if u water ur plant with say one gallon of water every third day then just add ur nutes to that water, mix it together and u feed and water at the same time, thats how most people do it, its a different measuring set up for hydro or foliar feeding but for a soil grow the be:bigjoint:st(imo) and easiest way is to mix water and nutes together and just water them.


New Member
start off 1st week 1ml grow i ml bloom 2nd week 1ml grow 2ml bloom 3rd week 1ml grow 3 bloom alg a mic 3ml or add epsum salts 4 week 1ml grow 4ml bloom 5week 1ml grow 4mlbloom 6 week 1ml grow 3 ml bloom then flush and do 1 feed nutes next plain water as u go threw ur grow m8 hope this helped


I've read it's best to feed plants with nute mixture every other watering. And just water for every other. This is to balance it out in case the nute recipe does not apply to the amount of nutes YOUR individual plant needs, because burning can occur if it's too much.

In other words, every 3 days or so, water w/ ur nute solution and then 3 days later just water and back to nutes againin another 3 days or so.