nutes lowering my ph

I got a good ph pen today because i was worried about my ph levels. so the tap water that i use had a really high ph of 8.5(i think its because its a trailor park) but anyways i also bought a general hydro ph kit to adjust my levels. so i tested my water before i added my nutes and it was 8.5 then after adding my nutes it dropped it down to 6.1. i added some ph up and got it to 6.5 then watered. Is this ideal watering ph range. and is it normal for the ph to drop when i add my nutes.


Well-Known Member
yes it is normal for nutes to drop the ph of water (molasses does as well) I ph my water down to 5.8 as 5.6 is the ph of rain but 6.5 to 6.8 is ok, but know that the lower the ph (down to 5.5) the faster your plant wicks the water (I'm a soil grower, so don't confuse what I'm saying with hydro)