nutes/yellow leaves


when your plants get nute damage is it overnight? or can it start to happen 3-4 days later? is 20-20-20 nutes no good? i only fed it... like less then 1/4 of what was perscribed on the box. my little girl is hurtin and i dont know what to do. iknow it could be a million things....


Well-Known Member
it can happen overnight or over a day or two, pictures would help alot what does it look like? are the tips of leaves yellow? or most of the leaf? 20-20-20 is abit strong how old/big are they


Well-Known Member
it can happen overnight or over a day or two, pictures would help alot what does it look like? are the tips of leaves yellow? or most of the leaf? 20-20-20 is abit strong how old/big are they
How do you know how strong the 20-20-20 is?
He fed at 1/4 strength.
Explain your logic.


Well-Known Member
First Nute burn usually does happen rather quickly buuuuut usually doesn't cause yellowing, second defs are already set into motion way before the plant shows the signs of it


Well-Known Member
How do you know how strong the 20-20-20 is?
He fed at 1/4 strength.
Explain your logic.
thats why i was asking how big they were, if there only baby's then even quarter strength is to much for them + he said roughly quarter strength so he must not of measured so in reality it could be closer to half, also he said my little girl which imply s it is only a baby, + if he doesn't know what nute burn looks like then my logic is he gave it to much of the 20-20-20, y don't you try and advise him instead of asking me?


Well-Known Member
thats why i was asking how big they were, if there only baby's then even quarter strength is to much for them + he said roughly quarter strength so he must not of measured so in reality it could be closer to half, also he said my little girl which imply s it is only a baby, + if he doesn't know what nute burn looks like then my logic is he gave it to much of the 20-20-20, y don't you try and advise him instead of asking me?
I was just trying to figure out why you thought 20-20-20 was strong. I thought maybe you have used it before and have some knowledge about it..


it said to give it 1/4 tea spoon... and i gave it way less then that. she's like three inches tall. Its her second set of leaves and now its just a shriveled dry leaf.. the rest of it looks good tho. maybe its too much light? i duno.


Well-Known Member
it said to give it 1/4 tea spoon... and i gave it way less then that. she's like three inches tall. Its her second set of leaves and now its just a shriveled dry leaf.. the rest of it looks good tho. maybe its too much light? i duno.
its proberly because its to young/small and carnt handle the nutes yet, i would leave the nutes alone untill shes abit older/taller,