Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Sure but that's not really "nutrients." More like a kelp tea. It would be even better to add some worm castings and bubble it for 24+ hours but either way that will do more for the soil than the plant. Teas are for growing and feeding the microbes that consume what is in your mix and in turn makes it available for your plants to absorb. Use a clean water source; chlorine/chloramine will kill off the microbes. Don't bother PH-ing the water; that does not affect the actual ph of your soil.
Sure but that's not really "nutrients." More like a kelp tea. It would be even better to add some worm castings and bubble it for 24+ hours but either way that will do more for the soil than the plant. Teas are for growing and feeding the microbes that consume what is in your mix and in turn makes it available for your plants to absorb. Use a clean water source; chlorine/chloramine will kill off the microbes. Don't bother PH-ing the water; that does not affect the actual ph of your soil.
So what would be a good organic nute for a plant 5 weeks into flower? And what do you mean don’t ph the water?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
That really depends upon what's in your soil already. I think most "nutrients" are garbage; liquid fertilizer is all I would recommend for organic soil. Neptunes harvest is real good stuff. Any liquid fish and/or seaweed fertilizer would work. I'm not trying to dissuade you from giving compost teas either just trying to help you understand what it is for. By week 5 I would be giving water only but if your plants need a boost then feed them; be it organic or not. the idea behind organics is to give what is needed before it actually is. Preparing the mix before you put plants in it is the key.
Don't ph the water in organic soil. It is simply a waste of ph down. You cannot change the ph of a soil mix by adjusting the water you give; that is set by the ingredients of the mix itself. If you were growing in coco or any other sterile medium then you would need to ph the water for proper absorbtion but that's not really growing organic.