Nuting by the meter


Active Member
Yo all - I have a DWC grow going VERY well. Two Matanuska Tundras and 4 AK47. I use GH nutes, and run about 11 gallons per bucket (two plants per).

I was shown how to measure the amount of nutes to add based on the rising or falling ppm number on the meter. In other words, if the ppm has dropped since the last watering, the plants took more nutes - so raise the ppm. If they fell, then they're ignoring/rejecting some of the nutes - so lower the ppm. This seems very smart to me - simply monitoring the plant's usage to determine levels.

I moved the two Matanuskas into flower, and they're still at 600ppm. They drink just under a gallon a day. I see many people here using much higher ppm levels at this stage - but my plants are flawless (and huge - 28" height, even wider than that, and dense as all jeebus)!

So, the question for all you wise DWC growers: is the "nute-by-number" method above as good as I think, or should I have higher numbers right now?

Thanks guys! I'll throw a couple of pix if anyone wants...


Well-Known Member
I'm a big fan of "nute-by-number" and listening to my girls. I've seen the fastest growth rate happen in my girls when the PPM are in their golden sweet spot, 800-850 PPM for any clones from my two mommas, and I've been told by everyone who's smoked my buds that I've got the most potent shit anyone has ever tried. :bigjoint:

Also, I think flushing is over-rated, only necessary if the girls have been over-fed while flowering.


Active Member
I'm a big fan of "nute-by-number" and listening to my girls.
I take it you mean set the number, and watch the plants, as opposed to watching the rise/fall of ppms?

When you're at 800-850, do the nute levels rise between waterings?

Thanks for the information! I was hoping to figure out whether the by-meter method is incorrect...


Well-Known Member
I take it you mean set the number, and watch the plants, as opposed to watching the rise/fall of ppms?
I do it the way you do, when the numbers rise give 'em less food, when the numbers fall give 'em more food.

When I say watch the plants I mean I look at many factors, PPM being only one of 'em. For example, I used to look for signs of nute burn (which is how the heavy feeders do it, how I used to do it) but since I now pay attention to what my babies eat I know to keep the PPM in a range well below what would cause nute burn.

When you're at 800-850, do the nute levels rise between waterings?
Yes sometimes they go up, sometimes they go down. I take readings 1-2 times a day, I always write down the figures. The plants don't always eat the same amount of food every day/week, so I constantly fine tune.

If I can, I prefer to give my girls a little less then what they need rather then a little more so the PPM goes down between feedings, not up. Also, near the end of flower my girls tend to eat a little less so the numbers tend to rise a bit quicker. I've learned to taper off by about 50-100 PPM less the last couple weeks or so.


Active Member
Okay - sorry I misunderstood! It sounds like I should just relax, and keep using this method. I guess when my plants want 800+, they'll tell me in the meter!

I totally agree with watching the plants for signs - but this is going so well, there are no signs! Just happy green leaves and fast full growth. I've thought about raising nutes until I see some bad signs, as an experiment, but would prefer not to stunt the progress by burning, even a little...


Well-Known Member
It sounds like I should just relax, and keep using this method. I guess when my plants want 800+, they'll tell me in the meter!
Yep yep. And don't worry if they never want more. ;-)

I totally agree with watching the plants for signs - but this is going so well, there are no signs! Just happy green leaves and fast full growth.
As it should be. The girls really just want to be left alone, not put under pressure to perform.

I've thought about raising nutes until I see some bad signs, as an experiment, but would prefer not to stunt the progress by burning, even a little...
I wouldn't. You've said it yourself: your girls are growing fast, full, and with nice healthy green leaves. Save the experiments for another grow, after you've got plenty of buds.