Nutrient Burn or Nutrient Deficiency?

Whats up guys20170706_121855.jpg 20170706_121935.jpg 20170706_121935.jpg 20170706_121941.jpg 20170706_121935.jpg 20170706_121935.jpg 20170706_121935.jpg 20170706_121935.jpg 20170706_121941.jpg . I have an outdoor grow and one of my ladies is starting to show signs of problems.
I dont know if its either a deficiency or is it nute burn. I grow in can california and temps get up to 100-107 around this time of year. My other plants seem to be doing great its just this one plant. Its in the middle to upper plants and its affecting new growth and older growth. The leaves are turning pale yellow ligh green to white. Then in between them there are brown brittle spots.
Im growing outdoor in ff ocean forest mixed with ground soil kind of sandy
Im using general general organic grow box at the rate it calls for during veg.
2 tsp. bio thrive 1 tsp. calmag 1 tsp bio weed 1 tsp. bio marine all in one gallon then i add water after i feed
so about 3 gallons total
Soil ph is about 6.7
Im using tap water through a water filter by garden pure
I have grown several times before never had this problem and all my other plants are doing just fine and they are the same strain. Any and all help would be highly appreciated thank you in advance.
Happy Growing!!
Deficiency or root problem
If you have other plants following the same nute schedule it might just be the plant itself(if its not a root problem). I grow multiple plants in the same res and even though they all get the same exact thing at the same point in their life every now and then some plants just freak the fuck out and get all shitty for no reason. So in other words, don't go grey chasing yourself in circles trying to find the problem because it might just be the plant being a bitch. If I were you I'd up the nutes on that plant a little bit, nothing crazy, and see how she reacts.
Thanks Anon. Yea idk what the hell it started a few weeks ago and its just on part of the plant like all my other plants are fine same nute scheduled medium etc. But i did catch a stray cat in my garden the other day i wonder if it shitted/pissed in my soil or sprayed my plant.
Yeah that's not from heat. Heat they just wilt as they slowly dehydrate without turning yellow.
I think you should up the food like Anon said.. there's no burns tips/edges and the full plant pic you can see she's not super dark green, everything the opposite, more on the light side, probably just up the overall food keeping the same regimen.

(are they in pots or in the ground, because even though same strain etc, different pieces of land could leach differently etc. if you know what I'm saying. Maybe why only one is showing deficiencies??
Is she growing so vigurously more then the others that she has gone through her reserves quicker than the others, maybe??)
Sadly, most deficiencies look almost identical :) Definitely not nute burn.
Looking at the chart it most resembles Iron which would be easy to fix.... So 2 votes for iron.
iron nails shoved in the ground;
you need to up their entire food with full complete nutrient formula,
not just more iron,
and problems will go away.
I don't know about DOUBLE!?!? just feed a llittle stronger than you have been and remember things can take a few days to see results either way, ramp it up slowly.. but they need more food.
I also suggest that you spray her inside and out all over with 1/2 strength of the Seaweed/Kelp product from the GO box system, I don't know what it's called, there's got to be one though. This will provide her with all trace minerals right to her stomata(the underside of the leaf pores that open in high humidity, llike when misting and suck things right in) so get underside of leaves when foliaring very important for good delivery.
yea there is a bio marine and a bio weed. the bioweed calls to be mixed in with the biothrive and calmag. im thinking its the bio marine. i just been adding it to the gallon of water maybe ill foliar with the bio marine on my next feeding. Thanks alor Johnei i appreciate it!
yes yes, I think the seaewed product is BioMarine. mix it up light and better to do multiple sprays over a few days, then doing strong mix and only once.. so i say 1/2 strength not really knowing how strong it really is, maybe even do 1/4 strength, just keep this in mind..

{full liberal application all over and especially the underside of leaves, light dose, and do mutiple times over multiple days.. is my recommendation for the seaweed spray.}
(Will knock out any micronutrient deficiencies.)
Last thought...

If these are outdoor plants in the ground, and you can't really get to them over multiple days like what I was saying, and are pretty big mature strong plants(I can't really tell from the pics, they look big I think), then I wouldn't worry about it and go 1/2<->fullStrength of the bio marine, they can take it and need it. ....and forget what I said, know what i mean. Ok, cu.