nutrient choices???


what brand of nutrients do you guys feel works best for veg/flowering? i grow in soil. what are the advantages of dry/liquid fertilizer? ive been using miracle grow bloom formula which i believe is 10-20-30 or something in that range, i havent heard anything good about miracle grow, can someone shed some light on why?


Well-Known Member
Can't go wrong with General Hydroponics Flora series. It's very easy to use. I used it for a couple years with great results before I decided to change. Now I use humbolt. Get the GH flora series.


Active Member
From what I have read and been told. With all the different strains we need to understand how they react to the different nutrients. One strain may do great on a certain nutrient system and another not so well. From everything I gather it is best to find what works for each individual and stick ith it. Try and perfect it then maybe try something new on a small scale.


Well-Known Member
OVERALL GH flora works great. I've grown 9 different strains with it, and they all responded well to it. GENERALLY,..the flora system is a good system. You can use it in hydro or soil. Don't over think it, until you're to the point that type of thing matters. The packaging isn't a brightly colored, and appealing, but it works just as good or better than a lot of them, and is easier to use. There ARE better systems, but I'd start there.