Nutrient Deficiency Double Check (video)


Hello All,

I think my rusty spots are from Magnesium deficiencies, and the yellowing on the outer portion of the leaves is from zinc.


I have magnesium sulfate for the Magnesium deficiency, and I read that any regular fertilizer with potassium will fix a zinc deficiency.

I had some nutrient deficiency problems with my last grow, so this time, I'm watering twice with nutrients, then a watering with GH Flora Kleen, hoping to prevent any lockouts. I'm feeding/watering every day.

I'm growing in Coco, using GH nutrients.
Nutrient mix is around 900, maybe too much right now.
Nutrient ph is 5.8. I read that zinc gets locked out above 5.5.
Room temp is about 77, RH is about 50%.

The plants were transplanted into the coco a little under two weeks ago.

Any comments, questions, thoughts, and suggestions would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
your right about the zink deficiency. heres an example
View attachment 1775932

and those rust spots are mid stage K deficiency. the early stage of K deficiency is spotted by; the singed tips of all the leaves... which i also see.
potassium K.jpg

i also see that your plant are turning light green because lack of N, they should be a little darker. you need to fertilize to solve all these problems, it seems overall hungry right now, if you dont feed more deficiencies will arise but you know that lol. nice grow seriously, i dont have the room for that kina op. so i gotta do outdoor.


Well-Known Member
i see a cupping leaf @1:48 which is another nute defficiency, but yeah its time to feed. and when you go into flower those lower leaves yellowing(N deficiency) will get worse. you need to bump up your nutes altogether, but not to much! what are your nutes npk, your plants are eating below 1/2 strength right now, you dont want to feed full strength cuz that will cause slow and small growth the same goes for 1/4 strength too. plants grow fastest and will grow large fan leaves at half strength nutes, what i mean by 1/2strength is something like 10-10-10 per gallon. i dont really use a ph meter or ppm meter, but that comes out to around 900-1500ppm. feeding 10-10-10 would be about 1250ppm but dont quote me. the ppms i listed are safe though, if you have a ppm meter plz tell me what your 1/2 strength comes out to so i can add it as another reference to a short guide i've been writing.


Well-Known Member
Here's my two cents, my most humble opinion:

A zinc deficiency (or any macro deficiency for that matter) is rare when using a modern fertilizer... In general - your plants appear to be lacking in the entire spectrum - you just need to feed em more and raise your RH. 50% is too low for all but the last couple weeks of flower - especially for aero-started cuts. Quit flushing so often - you're shifting your electric charge and making it hard for your plants to uptake the nutrients you are feeding. Consider replacing your frequent flushes with tea feeds - these really give coco the microbial boost it needs at a super cheap price (and maintains your EC). While good results can be had with any nutrient line, GH is one of the harshest blends available - and is extremely inconsistent. Are you in pure coco? That can be a tough media to grow in too, and requires some special considerations and nutrients. (I like coco very much).