Nutrient Help


Active Member
I havent been using very many nutrients in my grow and I'm on week 2 of flowering. The plants are looking pretty good, just a little yellow, I talked to someone and they said if i flush the soil that I can use the water from my res for my hydro to water the soil. Im using Holland Secret. Didn't know if anyone had any experience or knew if this was true. Also, I heard plants double in size in flowering, is that true? Obviously different for each strain, but just a rough estimate. Thanks


Active Member
wen u say your hydro water do u mean second hand(after its been in dwc for a week???)
lol never heard of that bro...
ye most plants will double in size if not more during flower!!!
good luck


Active Member
Nah, it was a guy at a store here and he said whenever i mix up the res bucket and its time to water to just take it out of there and water the plants that way.