Nutrient Help!

So heres how it goes. I just recently started growing and have 5 blue dreams and 3 sour bubble. I was told if grown together properly they will be fine. So my question now is when should I start giving them my nutrients if they were only planted from clones 5 days ago? the nutrients i am using are 3-1-3 Iguana grow. It was in the grow package I purchased. If someone could help with when the best time to start feeding them is I would love it cause I am scared to give them nute burn seeing as i am


Well-Known Member
i assume your growing in soil? if so, the potting mix you purchased should have enough nutes in it already that you dont need to add additional nutes for about 3 weeks to a month. usually this info can be found on the bag of soil. i wait three weeks after potting, then add my vegetative nutes.... good luck.


Well-Known Member
what are you growing them in soil or hydro if they are in soil I would wait till they are about a foot tall and start at like 1/4 strength and move up till you are full strength if in hydro do about the same thing just keep an eye on them.


Well-Known Member
using liquid nutes, feeding schedule should be labeled on the bottle. add the suggested quantity of nutes to the water, and use every time you water. some nutes will even specify : " for heavy feeding, use such n such amount" or "for light feeding, use such n such" savvy?


Active Member
For some reason it didnt say the feeding schedual? It only said the feeding schedual for organic soils? and i have regular soil with perlite and shpagnum peat moss all in it. What are the usual feeding scheduals for most growers?


Active Member
I just watered it with the 1/4 strength 2 days ago and im wondering when I should water it next with the nutes? Every 3 days? 4-5days?


Well-Known Member
buy a ph, water, and light meter. stick it in the soil and that will let you know the proper time to water, if your ph is correct, and whether or not your plant is recieving sufficient light.