Nutrient lockout - Ebb and Flow


Active Member
Was using a color coded pH kit and just got a meter. pH was 4 when I checked with meter and babies on table are not looking good as they just STOPPED doing everything. New growth sites are yellow. I replaced reservoir with 5.8 water and a mild solution of Pure Blend Pro Grow (10 ml/gallon) and Hygrozyme. Is this correct or should I have gone with plain water? What's the average turn around time for 2 week old rooted cuttings to snap out of it?


Troubled in Tennessee


Active Member
ya , Ya burned 'em. I hate it when that happens. You set yourself back a week or two. Mild 300 - 700 ppm in water is good with root helpers like B1. The roots will have to regenerate. Treat them with light nutes maybe folier feed a few times.


Active Member
Been soup, thanks a lot man. I appreciate it. I don't have a ppm reader so i'll just cut the nutes in half. The back of the bottle calls for 15 ml/ gallon of Pure Blend Pro Grow. I did about 9 ml/ gallon. Thanks again!


Active Member
tried foliar feeding today with 1/2 teaspoon of FF Grow Big. Looks like a few are snapping out of it. I'll update tomorrow...this is driving me crazy


Active Member
Foliar fed twice last night and they looked to be doing slightly better. Leaves pointing up towards the light and the yellow stunted growth seems to coming out if it. Anyone have any experience with stunting their plants on a table?


Active Member
Ok, got some Clearex for the lockout situation. First. I rinsed the pots in the sink with luke warm water for about 5 minutes per pot to get any excess salts build up off.. I then brought them back to their table where i flooded them with plain water and Clearex. I will do this through tomorrow. if they still looked strugs (they started looking better yesterday and some roots out of the bottom of the pots) i will use fresh water for a day then back to Pure Blend Pro.


Active Member
Emptied the res with the Clearex. Noticed new leaf growth and new healthy roots out of the bottom of the pots. Ran 5.8 plain water through for 2 cycles then changed res again. Added fresh 5.8 water with 10 ml/ gallon Pure Blend Pro Grow and 5 ml/gallon of Liquid Karma. Growth should resume soon...