Nutrient Lockout???


Alright here are photos of both ww's taken about 20 minutes ago. I feel like I have nutrient lockout, since I have them both on full doses of FF Grow Big...
The last 2 pics are of the same plant. I put in the 2nd shot to show the white spots on the down curled leaf...
Any advice will be much appreciated. I'm totally confused and don't want to make another mistake...


Well-Known Member
you appear to be overnuting. Nute lock out occurs when ph fluctuation cause mobile nutrients to become immobile causing necrotic patching. Leaf margin rusting is indicative of nute burn. Flush may be necessary.


Well-Known Member
I can't see the white spots, but white spots are an early mite indicator. Best check?


I actually flushed about 2 weeks ago. Re-started nutes at next watering with an 8th dose and just gave the 1st full dose 2 days ago. My only means of measuring soil ph is testing the runoff water. My chemdawg is loving life right now, but I just can't seem to stabilize these 2 ww's. I had a 6.8 runoff ph on one of them, and 6.6 runoff ph on the other.

I get my check in the mail in an hour or so. What kind of soil ph tester would you recommend. I would hate to flush again, only to stress these girls even more. I think they're not very happy with me. They started to look alot better when I removed ALL un-needed & damaged fan leaves, but are now looking stressed again...

Thanks for your time Woomeister... Much appreciated!
your girl looks young and if your running organic nutrients with a decent organic soil, you probably don't need any extra nutrients .... so your problem looks like to much juice to me .... be easy


Just finished with a little smoke break... I forgot to mention I started using a product called "Pro-Silicate" which is supposed to help the plant handle stress and tolerance to heat and such. Any experience with this product or similiar ones?
I will lay off the nutes for a bit. Thanks bro...


I just realized after relaxing with a bowl, I'm only at 1/2 dose nutes, with 1/4 dose Pro-silicate... Plus, I added more soilless mix with organic ferts twice in the last couple of weeks due to soil compaction...