Nutrient problem


Well-Known Member

  • Hey all, got a question. I'm growing in Canna Coco and useing the full canna line as per nute schedule. the last few days my plants are doing something strange. the upper leaves are curling inward and the leaf tips are turning yellow. i add 2ml of cal-mag per gallon of water at feeding for calcium, but could this be nitrogen def. if so whats good to use with coco. plants are 6 weeks into veg and hopeing for 1 more till light change. looking for answers......




New Member
looks abit burnt but it looks really healthy

the top is curling because of heat stress

unsure of the yellowing hope someone can help



Well-Known Member
Exactly. I would give her pure water for the next watering, and after that I would give her a half dose of nutrients. And don't change the light at the moment ! Let her recover first.