Nutrients and additives question...PICS


Active Member
Here is a basic rundown of what I use...


GH MaxiGrow, Super Tea (Guano), Age Old Root Rally (mycorrhizal), Dutch Master Liquid Light and Penetrator (foliar)


GH MaxiBloom, Budswel (Guano), Age Old Root Rally, Dutch Master Liquid Light (first 2 weeks foliar), Advanced Nutrients Bud Blood & OverDrive, Sugar Daddy, and Super Thrive

Here is my question

What is the proper way to mix the nutrients? GH's feeding chart says to mix my base nutrient to full ppm then add in the additives (I haven't tried this method).

The way I have been doing it seems incorrect though too. I have been adding all my additives first then topping off with my base nutrient until I hit my desired ppm.

Basically I am confused on what is more important...getting as much base as possible then adding a bit of additives or keep doing it the way I am doing it...I haven't notices any burn yet and I usually mix to a final ppm of 1100 - 1200.

Thanks in advance

Pics of the grow

Half the room is one day bloom and half three weeks bloom (taken a week ago)




New Member
Why don't you just buy a simple quality veg feed and a flowering feed? That's just 2 products.. Okay throw in some Guano, good stuff ;-)


Active Member
What's most important is bacteria first. Then you you can use any brand of nute you want as long as the npk is acceptable. Additives will work much much better with a good thriving soil environment.


Active Member
There are actually 6 very low profile tables that are on casters...ends up with about 2 feet of room on each side of the tables when moved...hand watering for now (takes about 1.5 hrs to water)

Really I am not concerned about the veg process or the guano/root enhancer.

The MaxiBloom I use for flowering seems to be doing good but this round I am trying Bud Blood for the first week and Over Drive for the final stages and just not 100% sure which order they should be added.

For instance, I make my normal mix of 1200 ppm MaxiBloom THEN add in the recommended dosage of Bud Blood and Super Thrive? (Bud Blood adds about 200ppm per gallon).


Well-Known Member
It's difficult to say when you're mixing a lot of different brands together.

With AN I know to just mix the base nutrients to the ppm I want and put the additives on top of that but I'm not sure how that would work with a bunch of different brands.

It doesn't really matter though, so long as you're consistent. I'd recommend you take a certain cut across the board, like 50 or 75% of full strength and mix everything at that. That way you're not likely to burn anything and if you want to go stronger you can.