nutrients for first time grower (easy)


Well-Known Member
So ok my first ever grow was crap to many people tell me to do this an that buy this an these an use these nutrients.. so i ended up with a shit load of crap an no info about it. so i did some reading (ps my spelling is crap to lol keep up with me lo :) ) not one website i found could help me with how much nutrients to use so i did it by going with what it says on the tin lol.. but over time is start to make things go wrong so i ended up with alote of issues. now when you ask people to help you it never help when you have 30 people telling you diffrent things about 1 thing you ask so you will cock up big time. now i go by the site of my plants they tell me what they need when they need it. 1 feed then 2 times a week there under a 600 florescent bulb now on 12/12 as for my nutrients WELL am not use 5 or 6 at the same time now more because i found something that work great an you can use what it says to use. it called TOMORITE(with sea weed extract) its great you get no issues with it just dont go made with it thats all. now i us an organic PK BOOT an by god the yields are crazy !!!!
so to all you new grower this will help you guys out. please feel free to mail me if you need any more info that i have. PEACE !!!
the new girls Mahahahahahahahahahaaaaa first of of flowering looking goooooood


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I found that to be true in all these learn to grow forums/sites. I mean, what did we expect though?!? lol ... when you get 10000 people together, and 10000 different ways of doing things, each being the "right" way.yr gonna find a lot of clashing and this and that's....but to me, it sounds like you are doing fine at this point...listen to the plant. I learned that the hard way too. we all gotta learn somewhere, and I found these sites to be equally as helpful as they can be destructive. I kinda go with the masses when I have a issue I need help with.
ty bro. yeah just to many people not understand that when we ask for help when need to learn things slowly not all at once. i just hit the book like a storm. an now i know so much about the plant its un-real an i listen to the plant i know when they hungry or when things r not rite at all. and when something is not right am right back to the books not just 1 like everybook i can find. i take info from alot of people am make me own way of doing things. now my PH is great got it just right for my strain got the temp right to what the like an where there are from. soil humidly ect is great now AM helping people that have done this way longer than me lol i just like my buds FAT!!!
i know how to make my own N-P-K to what i now my plants like from vag to bud good i hate reading i really do but when i comes to this i spend weeks reading b4 a grow weeks finding all sorts of organic things to use he he i live 0.2mils from a farm lol so am good for there foood love them cows an chickens lol
put that poop to work. lol, I use Alaska fish shit. and I hear ya, I crammed as well, but just when you think you know a lot, you open another chapter.
People like to make growing cannabis complicated for many reasons, be it fooling themselves into thinking it must surely be better cannabis, or it could be because then they can fail at trying to justify their rip off prices because there is more work involved.

You can just buy an A+B line from any of a thousand companies, follow the instrtuctions on the bottle, and grow just great. Tomorite, canna, biobizz, you name it, each have a basic 2 or 3 part product that will grow cannabis just fine without any need to then go and buy all their fancy expensive additives as the feeding charts would like to have you believe you need, often creating issues, which then need more products to fix. Veg and Bloom nutes, all you really need.

Why do people turn such a simple hobby into such BS.
People like to make growing cannabis complicated for many reasons, be it fooling themselves into thinking it must surely be better cannabis, or it could be because then they can fail at trying to justify their rip off prices because there is more work involved.

You can just buy an A+B line from any of a thousand companies, follow the instrtuctions on the bottle, and grow just great. Tomorite, canna, biobizz, you name it, each have a basic 2 or 3 part product that will grow cannabis just fine without any need to then go and buy all their fancy expensive additives as the feeding charts would like to have you believe you need, often creating issues, which then need more products to fix. Veg and Bloom nutes, all you really need.

Why do people turn such a simple hobby into such BS.
yeah man here you. i just like it simple not to much crap an then poff an what $200 down coz i thought i need all this crap when i dont lol so am just using what i now i need and am happy with it. :) peace
While i didn't fall victim to the nonsense while growing in soil and coco, alas i did when i switched to hydro. everyone told me it was vital that i have this and do that, the most important of which was a ppm meter which i would not be able to grow without. Needless to say it was all BS, especially the ppm meter. People hype all these requirements for reasons which i do not believe are due to ignorance, but largely snobbery. How can your pot be as good as mine if you don't use a vajazzle once a week? You must clearly grow bunk... That kind of thinking. I've been told many things like this. Apparently my weed was shit for no other reason than i didn't use a magnifying glass when harvesting. Uhhuh. Tell that to the bunch of folk at the LAN party who were adamant i'd "bought" spiked weed.
crazy shit right well do I did hit the books hard an now i know what's what. now i make my own N-P-K NUTRIENTS to suit the strain am doing. so i dont buy it from people that dont give 2 craps about my grow they just wont money. and i know i can grow better weed in a pot than these wonna be heros of hydro lol. i bet a full crop on it lol
People like to make it seem complicated cause they think it makes them look intelligent.Its all bullshit.And mate youre over complicating things yourself,saying you mix your own npk according to what strain youre growing llf whats wrong with Bio Bizz;grow for veg,bloom for flower with a drop cal mag,easy as that
People like to make it seem complicated cause they think it makes them look intelligent.Its all bullshit.And mate youre over complicating things yourself,saying you mix your own npk according to what strain youre growing llf whats wrong with Bio Bizz;grow for veg,bloom for flower with a drop cal mag,easy as that

Don't even need calmag most of the time. But you're absolutely right. Biobizz grow/bloom was my only nutrients when in soil (other than testing various bloom boosters; which achieved nothing but less money in the bank, ended up giving them away) and regardless of strain, i just followed the instructions and got happy healthy plants every time.
People like to make it seem complicated cause they think it makes them look intelligent.Its all bullshit.And mate youre over complicating things yourself,saying you mix your own npk according to what strain youre growing llf whats wrong with Bio Bizz;grow for veg,bloom for flower with a drop cal mag,easy as that
BIOBIZZ IS GOOD but i make it my self so I know whats i it. I like it you should try makin your own an see